Read the story: Integrity commission ceases to exist
It had replaced the body that resigned en masse following its censure by a high court judge.
In February Justice Maureen Rajnauth-Lee ruled that the Commission acted in bad faith in relation to former cabinet minister Dr Keith Rowley, and was guilty of "the tort of misfeasance in public office".
She also found that based on the facts there was an unfair abuse of power by failing to give Rowley and his wife, Sharon, a hearing with regard to an investigation of the couple's Landate development in Tobago.
Read the story: Intergrity commissioners quit
“It is over four months that there has been no Integrity Commission to receive and investigate complaints from the public and to review declarations of interests from persons in public life as a result of the fact that the President has not appointed a board,” Panday noted in reference to the February mass resignations.
“By the President not appointing a board, he is facilitating a situation where the law cannot function – in other words he is contributing to the breakdown of the law,” the former prime minister declared.
The President has stated that he is having difficulty in finding suitable people to serve on the Integrity Commission. But Panday is not accepting that excuse and has once again called on Richards to quit.
Read the story: An integrity dilemma...president can't find anyone to serve
“If President Richards cannot perform his duties then he must resign. What kind of example is he setting for young people when he sits and enjoys the trappings, luxuries and benefits of office but does not perform his job?," he asked.
"Any person who says he cannot find five people of integrity in Trinidad and Tobago must be the most incompetent person on the planet!," he said.
He is wondering if Richards is really searching for nominees. "How is he conducting these searches? Where is he looking? What is he looking for? Has he told the public?"
Panday suggested that if the president consults with the population in a proper way they may be able to help him find five suitable persons. And he said part of the problem is the president's credibility.
“Has President Richards considered that the reason people are refusing his advances is because he has severely undermined his own credibility and public confidence in the Office of the President by his arrogant and dismissive attitude to the population during the Integrity Commission Fiasco?" he asked.
He said Richards has not properly explained the circumstances of his last appointments that seemed tainted with political influence and suggested that is the main reason why people are not willing to serve.
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