"Rapes, robberies and murders are up. Taxi drivers and passengers are becoming victims every day and their dead bodies are turning up across the country. People are not safe in their homes. You are risking your life when you go out doors – even in the daytime!" Panday said in a news release.
Referring to Monday's murder of businessman Wimbally Bhadai at Carlton Centre in San Fernando (see story below), Panday said: "It is clear that the war on crime is almost completely lost under this government because we are seeing, not just in San Fernando but in Port of Spain, Chaguanas, San Juan, Curepe and everywhere you look, that criminals are not afraid.
"Bandits walked up to Mr Bhadai with no masks to hide their identities, pulled out their guns, opened fire, took his money and left; and this happened at one of the busiest places in the country when that place is crowded with people and bustling with activity.
"Where were the police patrols? There are no reports of police chasing after the bandits or anything like that. The conclusion must be that there were no police anywhere near this bustling commercial hub. Is that public safety and national security? No!" the Couva North MP said.
The UNC Leader said increasing police presence particularly in busy areas remains one of the most basic steps to curbing crime. This includes foot and mobile patrols.
"If you want a safer town then you must have police present to deter crimes and to catch criminals if they commit crimes. If you want safer communities then similarly you must have police patrols. If you want safer highways then you must have police present at regular enough intervals to deter people from speeding and breaking the law, and they must be present to catch law breakers. It is that simple," Panday said.
"You know that the government and the police commissioner are not serious about fighting crime when you look around or you drive the whole highway and cannot see a police present while people are breaking the law all around you and crimes are happening everywhere.
"Look around and you will see that this government really does not care about people being killed. They do not care about the guns, the drugs and the gangs that are tearing apart the lives of the people in certain poor communities and elsewhere.
"If the people want change then they must demand change. And if the government cannot or will not give them change then they must change the government using the democratic measures available. The people must stand up and tell the government they will not tolerate its reckless insensitivity any more.
"They must make the government tremble out of real fear that if it does not provide safer communities and a decent standard of living, the government will fall," he said.
Panday said at this time people should ponder two statements: "Evil prevails when good men do nothing!" and "Those who cannot hear must feel!"
He added, "If the government does not listen it will pay a price and if the people do not listen they will pay the price, and the price is that evil will prevail and it will take its toll in the lives of our loved ones."
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