Sunday, March 2, 2014

Phase Two retains Large Band title; Pan Elders wins in Medium

Phase Two - GUARDIAN photo
Petrotrin Phase Two Pan Groove successfully defended its national pan title in the Large Band category when it emerged victorious at the 2014 National Panorama final at the Queen's Park Savannah in Port of Spain, on Saturday. 
Pan Elders - NEWSDAY photo

In the Medium Band category, Pan Elders dethroned defending champion Buccooneers Steel Orchestra of Tobago.

Results: Large Band
1. Petrotrin Phase Two Pan Groove = "Jump High" - 287
2. Trinidad All Stars - "Excitement" - 286
3. Bp Renegades - "In De Minor" - 283
4. Desperadoes - "Spankin-A Tribute" - 281
5. Exodus - "Pan Is Carnival" - 279
6. Silver Stars - "The Reason" - 274
7. Invaders - "Jam It" - 271
7. Skiffle - "The Wedding" - 271
9. Fonclaire - "Big In De Dance" - 267
10. Tropical Angel Harps - "In De Minor" - 262
10. La Brea Nightingales - "Pan In The Atmosphere" - 262

Medium Band 

1. Pan Elders - "Family" - 284
2. Buccooneers - "Madness" - 281
3. Courts Sound Specialists of Laventille - "Poison" - 277
4. Katzenjammers - "Spankin-A Tribute" - 276
5. Couva Joylanders - "Free Up" - 272
5. Arima Angel Harps - "In De Minor" - 272
5. Valley Harps - "Happiest Man Alive" - 272
8 Melodians - "The Hammer" - 270
9. Dixieland - "This Is It" - 266
9. Xplosion - "Dus In Dey Face" - 266

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