Saturday, March 8, 2014

OBIT: Former Independent Senator Corinne Baptiste-McKnight

Former Independent Senator Corinne Baptiste-McKnight died Friday. She was 73.

Former President Max Richards, who appointed her to the Senate, called her a "tower of strength". 

In a tribute he said: “Both my wife and I express condolences on this untimely passing. She has been a good friend of ours for many years and she was a tower of strength in the Senate where she served as an Independent senator. She was of strong character, was far-sighted and made an important and immense contribution to the national good.”

Senate President Timothy Hamel-Smith said: "In her contributions in the Senate she brought to bear her depth of experience both as a diplomat as well as in the public service...Her eye for detail was extraordinary and you could rely on her to point to matters which escaped the attention of her colleagues."

The Senate President further added, “I shared many happy moments with Corinne, discussing matters of governance...she will certainly be missed."

Attorney General Anand Ramlogan said, “One of the things that stood out about Corinne also was that she would listen to the various points of view to distill their ideas. 

"Sometimes persons would come with preconceived notions, but that was never the case with Corinne. She had very strong views but was always willing to see the other point of view and take that perspective into consideration, once it was convincing enough.

"Senator Baptiste-McKnight was a classic, and was from the old school. What you saw was what you got.

PNM Senator leader Camille Robinson-Regis said, “I offer my deepest condolences. Senator Baptiste-McKnight was really a treasure in that she was very forthright and honest in her contributions to the Parliament."

Read more:
‘A great loss for T&T’
Corinne, ‘a tower of strength’
Ex-senator Baptiste-McKnight dies of cancer

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