Friday, May 31, 2013

Richardson says there's no politics in his email investigation

DCP Mervyn Richardson
Deputy Commissioner of Police Mervyn Richardson told the Express newspaper Thursday there was no prejudice in the email investigation and added that he would not let politics tarnish his work.  

The Express reported Friday that it spoke with Richardson about the matter who assured the paper that the police did not leak any information to the media.

The paper reported on Wednesday that Opposition Leader Keith Rowley had refused a request from the police to hand over his computer. However, Rowley denied that and told the paper he is prepared to hand over his two computers, two iPads and an iPhone.

He said he asked the police to make a written request for the equipment and explain why they wanted his computer. Rowley's lawyer, Faris al-Rawi, told reporters Thursday the police likely leaked information to the media about the investigation.

However Richardson said that is not so. "I want to focus on the investigation, and I have said that and I am remaining with that; I am leaving the politics for the politicians; I am dealing with the law, the evidence and facts, that is what I’m dealing with,” Richardson told the paper.

He said the investigation is being conducted in "a very, very transparent manner" and added that everything is being handled professionally. 

Al-Rawi produced an audio recording of Rowley's meeting with the police and said it shows that Rowley never refused to hand over his computer.

The Express also reported that Attorney General Anand Ramlogan, Local Government Minister Suruj Ramba­chan and Housing Minister Dr Roodal Moonilal, will meet with Richardson on Monday. 

The paper quoted Ramlogan as saying the email matter "may very well turn out to be a PNM political conspiracy against the Government, and it may very well be that the source of this entire so-called e-mail conspiracy may be rooted in the bosom of the PNM."

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