Again I have to question PNM's motives as Parliament deals with the Bill which proposes to allow Defence Force officers to lockup "dem criminal dem".
If I was the government I'd trim the bill drastically. Ms Dana Seetahal SC has opined there's no need for a special majority to give such power to Defence Force personnel. She's nowhere near as stellar as the Attorney General, but, as a former Independent Senator of many years also former head of the Criminal Bar, I wouldn't sneeze at her thoughts on any legal or legislative matter.
Suggestion: Trim the bill, Mr AG!
Just because they didn't bring the measure and is clueless generally, instead of stringing along, PNM has been fighting it tooth and nail, furthermore prostituting themselves hither, thither and yon in a frantic attempt to get others to toe their crooked line.
The way the Independent Senators have warmed up, it looks ominously as though they're taken by the PNM's stupidity. These Independents must tell us whose side they're really taking - the lawful or the lawless.
The way the Independent Senators have warmed up, it looks ominously as though they're taken by the PNM's stupidity. These Independents must tell us whose side they're really taking - the lawful or the lawless.
It'd "crawl mih blood" to know they'd ride with the Opposition. They're in the Senate at the President's pleasure, not Dr Rowley's. To pre-empt such a nightmare I must teach them what being an independent senator means, because like they forgot.
Independent senators are supposed to seek out and represent and take into account the views and interests of those elements of society which may be insufficiently reflected in the composition of the elected House. That's what the Parliament website says.
Independent senators are supposed to seek out and represent and take into account the views and interests of those elements of society which may be insufficiently reflected in the composition of the elected House. That's what the Parliament website says.
In the issue of making laws to give arrest powers to anyone, the only persons whose views and interests can be insufficiently portrayed must be victims of crime, not criminals. What is the problem then, Mr and Mrs Independent Senator?
Why move as if you're on the criminals' side, when every time these criminals appear in court they have ho-toto like de Lima (and not so hot ones like Hinds) to defend them in their wrongdoing - and that's providing the DPP eh drop all charges first? Or, is it you're siding with PNM because the Bill's too big for you to chew in one debate?
If I was the government I'd trim the bill drastically. Ms Dana Seetahal SC has opined there's no need for a special majority to give such power to Defence Force personnel. She's nowhere near as stellar as the Attorney General, but, as a former Independent Senator of many years also former head of the Criminal Bar, I wouldn't sneeze at her thoughts on any legal or legislative matter.
Suggestion: Trim the bill, Mr AG!
Bring it within the threshold the PP controls and leave them reeling in your wake! The mission's to get the Defence Force to work fearlessly and legitimately with the Police! Anybody who finds they mustn't must have cocoa in the sun or something up the sleeve.
Ayodele Chieng | Irving Street in Petit Bourg
Ayodele Chieng | Irving Street in Petit Bourg
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