Sunday, February 24, 2013

Letter: Question for the media

Dear Trinidad and Tobago,

Why is it every media house loves to boast how influential it is in shaping and moulding public opinion, in other words, of its special ability to direct the way our society moves?

How come there are so many murders then? 
And, how come there are so many ruthless criminals stalking the land?

Are the media not responsible for the wildness and heartlessness, since wildness and heartlessness are examples of societal misbehaviour?

Surely the media can use its self-proclaimed "heavyweight influence" to turn the wildness and heartlessness into mildness and kindness?

Surely the media can crank up the heat on the Police, the DPP and the judiciary, all of whom seem to be reluctant, thus, unresponsive to the plight of law-abiding society?

All things taken into account, is the media in a state of deep self-denial, concerning its self-proclaimed catalytic ability?

Or, is it that the media collectively is a law unto itself, just like the tiny handful behind the mayhem?

Or, worse yet, is the media deliberately behind the mayhem?

Can anyone guide me to the rights answers, before I, too, get wiped off the map?

It being Lent, will The Lord hear my prayer and prompt David to aim his slingshot against the marauding criminal Goliath?

Or is everyone despondently sensing, like me, that these days the sword is mightier than the pen?

Jacqueline George | Bon Air Gardens,Arouca.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai