Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Letter: What's the point, Michael Harris?

Whom the gods wish to destroy, they sometimes make mad; clearly, from what he wrote in today's (Aug. 12, 2012) Express, Michael Harris is very mad at something or somebody. 

To me, this turn of events is quite unexpected, seeing that the angry man did once declare "the danger to our nation arises because the (PNM style) of government and politics, of maximum leadership, of racial polarisation, of corruption and bobol, of squandermania and malfeasance, of insufferable arrogance and dictatorship, is collapsing before our eyes. Nothing can halt that collapse."

But, that was the deeply despondent Michael Harris of March 22nd 2010, if Jai Parasram is to be believed  (http://jyoticommunication.blogspot.com/2010/03/letter-to-kamla-from-michael-harris.html) and I don't seen why Jai must lie. 

Back then, that statement made sense...to Harris, at least...however, given the steady improvement Trinidad and Tobago has experienced since May 24th 2010, I'm clueless to why he's wailing now and demanding of a handful of incumbents parliamentarians that they flee from the PP government as if they were Lot-like and the latter Gomorrah-inclined...that is, if the Trinidad Express did accurately convey his scatological words (http://www.trinidadexpress.com/commentaries/A_line_in_the_sand-165939386.html).

My perplexity is aroused, seeing Mr. Harris has offered not a shred of evidence in support of his ex cathedra condemnation of the present administration...let me correct that...no evidence other than of the type which may be used against him and the Trinidad Express for libel, defamation, slander, calumny, you name it. 

For, in fingering some as being inherently saintly, he did by implication daub his brush widely against the entire lot of the unnamed rest.

For those reasons, I can only say Michael Harris is right -like in right outside the park- for the whole of Trinidad and Tobago has decided it wishes to be inside and reshaping the game so all citizens will benefit equitably, live in safety, feel a sense of patriotism, at last.

For those reasons, too, I hope the Media Association of Trinidad and Tobago has taken careful note; also, the Director of Public Prosecution and the Attorney-General of Trinidad and Tobago.

Semper Veritas, (George Augustus-Clarke, Valsayn North, Trinidad.)

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai