Saturday, August 4, 2012

Letter: Minority decision determines fate of majority of police

One hundred and something police officers out of the four thousand who comprise the Police 2nd Division have refused to entertain the new National Security Minister's suggestion that their pay dispute be settled graciously rather than hostilely through the Industrial Court. 

The Express actually reports it like this: "One hundred and ten officers voted to reject Warner's offer while 94 voted in favour of it."

The few, being apparently a quorum, thus bound the uninterested but vastly overwhelming majority by their very minority decision to be recalcitrant.

Such behaviour amply demonstrates why the population at large has little confidence on, or is totally fed-up with, the police, apart from Sgt. Alexander and his crew, that is: the simplest cases they complicate by dragging their feet when expedition is patently required, furthermore, they come across as a self-seeking bunch.

Must the status quo be entertained, in light of the above, seeing that the Police Service is a paramilitary unit? Of course not! It's therefore time police officers are read the Riot Act, for it seems most of them are tails that wanna wag the top dogs. 

Accordingly, I propose:
  • In the same way they can't join political parties, ban cops from being unionised
  • Establish a standing Protective Services Salaries Review Commission to tend, obviously, to all issues concerning remuneration for the Protective Services
  • Pending 1. and 2., let the Police 2nd Division Welfare Association prove that at least three-fifths of ALL 2nd Division police officers find favour with its very minority decision. It won't be able to muster anything of the sort, so, when it flops, put its entire executive back in uniform and send them to direct traffic during the noonday rush
Semper Veritas | (George Augustus-Clarke, Valsayn North, Trinidad.)

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai