Friday, August 24, 2012

Letter: Do the job, Mr Warner and forget about the detractors

Good morning!

I did not vote, because I wasn't here at the time, otherwise the government would have gotten one more vote in Diego Martin Northeast than it did. 

I am not a fanatic or a member of any political party for that matter, simply a native citizen who could think for himself and cut to the chase so not to be fooled by the smoke and mirrors keeping countries like ours out of proper focus, because we have this weird habit in Trinidad and Tobago of puling down instead of building up.

A perfect example of that is what has been happening to Jack Warner. For instance in the newspapers today (Friday) the main emphasis is on him, as if he is Atlas and carrying all the world's troubles and cures on his back, or, without him, as my pumpkinvine cousin Brother Mudada does sing, the papers would be of no use.

So, please don't cuss me for going against the flow and lending a word of support and encouragement to him. 

Mr. Warner, I am taking the caption to one of today's newspaper editorials and telling you with all sincerity to get on with the job the people elected to you to do, which is to do what you have to do to make this place a better place than the present government found it in May 2010.

I am much younger than you, sir, having been born in 1986, but old enough to know monkey tricks when I see it. That's why I don't take on those who oppose you at all. 

As a Christian I know that the same crowd you worked miracles for, and that welcomed you with open arms on the Sunday before, would call for your crucifixion on Friday the same week, once vested interests see you as a threat to them. In other words, a prophet is not without honour except in his own land.

May the Good Lord bless and protect you, sir! Heaven help us if you fail and 'them' wins!

Garry Hunter | La Seiva, Maraval, Trinidad.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai