Friday, May 18, 2012

Bharath promises better fishing facilities

File: PM Kamla Persad-Bissessar chats with a local fisherman at the formal opening of the refurbished fish landing facility in Morne Diablo in South Trinidad last year
Food Production Minister Vasant Bharath said on Thursday his ministry plans to invest $10 million to rehabilitate the Carenage Fishing Facility as part of a $52.9 million nationwide refurbishment plan for fish landing sites.

Bharath spoke about the plans at Thursday's post cabinet media briefing. He said the plan would involve new jetties, slipways and other facilities to assist fishermen. He added that this would help increase fish stocks and control retail fish prices.

The minister noted that Government has already invested $18 million to rehabilitate 11 sites around the country. In 2012, the work is continuing at fish landing sites in south, central, north, west and east with a September completion date.
Bharath said Government also plans to introduce legislation in Parliament to update the 1916 Fisheries Management legislation. He said the new law would allow better control over indiscriminate fishing involving trawlers and small net sizes that sweep up unwanted marine life along with fish. 

The minister also announced that the government has produced a booklet aimed at getting people to adopt a more businesslike productive approach to the sector. It's titled: “Investment Opportunity for Agriculture”. 

Bharath also stated that government is investigating food production methods in other countries where the yield is higher than in Trinidad & Tobago.

He said the aim is to continue reducing the food import bill, which is around $4 billion annually. He added that the plan is to try to substitute cassava, sweet potato, rice and breadfruit for corn, wheat, soya and other imported items.

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Jai & Sero

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Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai