Sunday, April 29, 2012

State to check if higher education institutions are providing value for money spent on them: Karim

A government minister is wondering if institutions of higher learning in Trinidad & Tobago are providing value for the money invested in them.

Tertiary Education Minister Fazal Karim raised the issue Saturday and said now is the time to examine these institutions to determine if they are supplying suitable candidates for the nation’s workforce.

Karim noted that considerable amounts of taxpayers’ dollars go into these places of learning and Government should look at how it was being spent in terms of higher education.

The minister was delivering the feature address at the opening of the Accreditation Council’s (ACTT) South Outreach Office and the launch of its digital map of registered and accredited institutions.

He said people are getting certificates and diplomas but are unable to find jobs relevant to their qualifications.

Karim said what might be needed is a review of policy to be in line with international benchmarks. 

He added that in many instances the institutions are failing to produce graduates who meet the country’s workforce needs.

"I think the time has come for us to examine whether the higher education institutions (HEI) are responding to the workforce’s readiness for our nation’s economic development strategy at the international competitiveness level," he said.

“I think the time has come for us to examine whether the HEI are continuing along the same path of curriculum, offering pedagogy with an expectation of different graduates entering the workforce.

“Maybe the time has come for us, as we prepare for this country’s next 50 years of development, to focus on a few areas such as these."

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Jai & Sero

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