Monday, April 30, 2012

Letter to MP Lincoln Douglas: Stand with your constituents

Dear Dr. The Honourable H. Lincoln Douglas,
Member of Parliament for the Constituency of Lopinot/Bon Air West,
10th Republican Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago.

Let me straight off alert you that I will herein self-eulogize, for it's a necessary vehicle wherewith awesomely to drive home a certain incontrovertible point, nothing less, nothing more.

Since her creation, I am a bona fide constituent of the electoral district of Lopinot/Bon Air West. Since May 24th 2010, you, in turn, have been her elected Member of Parliament. 

So, that means you must represent my interests wherever and whenever by law my interests need to be represented by you. Such indisputable facts, when coupled, create sufficient nexus between us for me lawfully to instruct you as I shall hereby soon be doing. 

Such lawful instructions are also worthy of heeding by dint these other premises which, like the ones already stated, spring from the Principle of Locus Standi:
  • for purposes of you being elected as aforesaid, I was your de jure and de facto Election Agent; and,
  • from about the third-to-last week of your election campaign, I took control of your campaign as your de facto Campaign Manager; furthermore and, most importantly, I voted for you.
At no time during the runup to your being elected was I told, advised, warned or led to believe by you or anyone, that, if you were elected, your representation of Lopinot/Bon Air West (hence, of me) would or could be otherwise than under the umbrella of the People's Partnership and Political Leadership of the Most Honourable Kamla Persad-Bissessar, or that the direction and manner of such representation would be contingent upon a certain party somewhere down the road, up the road, across the road, or, wherever, being in exclusive control of some Mayoral office.

Thus, up to the instant I dropped my valid pro-Douglas ballot in the box, such notions never ever entered my mind. 

As a result too, it also never entered the mind of any of the wary 6,000-odd Lopinot/Bon Air West constituents of non-COP hue who, through my cleverly-conceptualized and effulgently-executed campaign strategies and tactics, were targetted, then coaxed to vote for you. (The 6,000-odd were wary because before I took charge of it, your campaign was making no headway; my campaign strategies and tactics were clever and effulgent because they were born of an insight and pragmatism honed during twenty-one national election campaigns and of my lifelong close connection with my home base.)

In light of the above, I am instructing you to distance yourself from any argument that any condition subsequent exists concerning your representation of the Lopinot/Bon Air West electorate, other than these:
  • you must adhere to the wishes of your constituents;
  • you must not fall into any of the circumstances which would cause you to be suspended or expelled from Parliament. Of the above-recognised conditions, the first is paramount -no need to explain why.
It is thus necessary for you to show your good faith by forthwith publicly reassuring your constituents that you have heeded this instruction, as it is also issued in their behalf, for, despite everything, Lopinot/Bon Air West yet yearns to return to her inherent condition -of being a beautiful harmony of human and natural resources! She won't easily so do while her representatives ignore the covenants they entered into with her.


© Richard Wm. Thomas,

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai