Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter message from UNC Chairman Jack Warner

I wish to take this opportunity to call on the national community to spend some moments of reflection as together we celebrate the Holy Easter.

This is an important occasion because the significance of the Easter festivity is the unrequited expression of God’s love as manifested by his son Jesus, the Christ.

It is a love that is redemptive, reconciliatory and demonstrates the type of sacrifice, which we as a nation need to emulate; for if ever the country needed its people to selflessly act in the interest of all, it is now.

I want to encourage you as you reflect, to remember that the act of love that Jesus demonstrated was and is for all humanity. 

I want to remind you to remember as you reflect that the sacrifice Jesus made in giving his life was and is for all. I want you to be cognizant of the fact that Jesus’ act of love included forgiveness in a way that gives to each of us the hope of eternal life.

As we celebrate my friends, let us be mindful of the truth that in giving and loving as a people we all will survive.

Let us put away our differences and work together in harmony for the good of our nation. 

Where we feel we have been wronged let us in humility forgive. Where we feel we have been discriminated against for one reason or another, let us find that love that binds us together as a people. Where everything around us seems lost let us all become that beacon to assist the wayfarer in finding his or her way back home.

As we celebrate the Risen Christ, let us reconcile our differences, which have kept us apart, let us redeem these times and get rid of our evil days and let us sacrifice for a brighter tomorrow, a better day and a more determined and glorious destiny for our people.

As we celebrate a happy and a holy Easter let us fill it with a heart of forgiveness and an expression of love that represents the true meaning of God’s sacrifice.

On behalf of all the members of the United National Congress, let me wish you a happy and a holy Easter.

Jack Warner | Chairman, United National Congress

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai