Saturday, March 24, 2012

Suruj urges UNC to vote for Nationalists because slate supports UNC leader

File: UNC Deputy Leader Dr Surujrattan Rambachan
Deputy Leader of the United National Congress (UNC) Suruj Rambachan has appealed to party members to elect members of the Nationalists slate in Saturday's UNC election for members of the party's national executive (NATEX).

Rambachan is seeking re-election on a team called the Nationalists, which is led by another incumbent deputy seeking endorsement, Roodal Moonilal.

Rambachan said his slate is the only one that is loyal to UNC leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

“On this slate you will find most of the team which forms the current NATEX One good term deserves another. We are disciples of the vision of Kamla Persad-Bissessar,” Rambachan said.

He said the NATEX worked with Persad-Bissessar in 2010 to mount a campaign and win the general election within four months of taking office.

The Communications Minister said Persad-Bissessar now needs a supportive National Executive. "Many who are going up for elections have already positioned themselves in conflict with the leader...An Executive which does not support the leader can bring about the downfall of the Government", he warned.

It was a reference to a a team called Generation Next, which is being advised and supported by former UNC leader Basdeo Panday, and his daughter, former Oropouche West MP Mickela Panday.

Moonilal has derided the team while warning people that its sole purpose is to undermine the political leader and cause the fall of the government. Panday has denied that charge and stated that he wants the UNC to be more accountable to the membership.

Moonilal has called Panday "Papa bear" and dubbed his daughter "baby Bear" and has told the UNC membership to reject everyone on that team, which he called GenerationVex. "Not a damn seat for them! They are too wicked," he told supporters in Debe earlier this week.

Moonilal has also denounced the third slate, led by UNC activist Sunil Ramjitsingh. That team, called UNC soldiers, is calling for reform in the party to allow members to select candidates for elections at the local and national levels.

Moonilal has already dismissed the team as "Toy Soldiers" and said they don't deserve the support of anyone.

“Do you want a party where every Monday morning, Kamla has to deal with quarrelling and infighting? Do you think ‘Generation Vex’ will support Kamla? Or the Toy Soldiers?” he asked.

None of the three slates has a candidate for chairman, the post currently held by Jack Warner. The Chaguanas MP is seeking re-election as an independent.

Moonilal has told his supporters to vote for any chairman they feel is best for the job. Warner's opponents are Attorney Ashwani Mahabir, who is also running as an independent, and Mooniram Heru.

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