Wednesday, March 14, 2012

PM Kamla clears the air on her sister's role

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar issued a statement Tuesday clarifying the role of her sister, Vidwati Newton. 

"Much has been written regarding the accompaniment of the Prime Minister’s sister on her overseas visits and the provision to her of daily assistance," Persad-Bissessar said on her Facebook page. 

"The following statement clarifies issues raised on the matter.

"The Office of the Prime Minister (like the office of the President), has traditionally recognized the need for a level of personal service and ancillary support to the office holder. 

"To this end, there is ample precedent of personal staff accompanying past and present Presidents and Prime Ministers of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

"The provision of Per Diem to said individuals including persons who are not public officers is in fact contained in the Cabinet Minute 780 of April 2006 captioned "Revision of the Per Diem for Official Overseas Travel" which states:

“(vi) the allowances provided in the Per Diem Schedule be applicable to official overseas travel by non-Public Officers where Government is required to meet all cost.”

"It should be noted that Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar had the option of formally employing her sister Ms. Newton as a member of her personal staff. 

"She refused to do so to avoid any allegations of nepotism in consequence of which Ms. Newton receives no salary from the state. Moreover, such employment would essentially be for fixed hours and a fixed work week in keeping with industrial relations practice.

"Ms. Vidwati Newton is a qualified nurse with many years experience. She is responsible for the Prime Minister's diet, medication, exercise, wardrobe and other health related and personal issues. 

"It is quite reasonable for the Honourable Prime Minster to trust and rely upon her sister for this level of personal care and attention. It should be noted as well that this support is provided on a continuous basis literally, as and when required.

"It was not unexpected that the election of a woman as Prime Minister would necessitate some changes in the arrangements for accommodation and personal travel. 

"The official residence for example must be configured to meet the familial needs of the office holder. Many personal issues unique to a woman warrant the involvement of a close and trusted assistant. 

"This, more so, on occasions of official foreign travel when the hectic schedule and frenetic pace demands the Honourable Prime Minister’s undivided attention without the distraction of critical personal care.

"In the circumstances, the criticism of the decisions of Cabinet to have Ms.Vidwati Newton accompany the Prime Minister on some of her more demanding overseas state visits is unjustified, ill-conceived and totally without merit.

"It fails to appreciate the human and practical side of the hectic life and schedule of the nation’s first woman Prime Minister. It must be reiterated as well, that there exists ample precedent of personal staff accompanying past and present Presidents and Prime Ministers of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

"This Government reaffirms its commitment to the principles of transparency and integrity in public life."

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
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