Thursday, March 22, 2012

Jack pledges to keep UNC United; says success will only come when UNC stand as one

Jack Warner in Waterloo Tuesday night
Jack Warner remained on his message of a united and strong United National Congress (UNC) as he continued his nightly meetings Wednesday in his campaign for re-election as chairman of the party.

He was speaking in Fyzabad, the birthplace of the People's Partnership. "I feel a bit nostalgic because I am reminded of the struggles we had, the journeys we shared together and the challenges we overcame on the road to victory on May 24, 2010," he said.

"Those were the days when the unity of our Party was not challenged because we had worked to build a strong Party in advance of the Coalition Accord of April 21, 2010.

"Those were the days of much celebration in anticipation of a historic victory over the People’s National Movement and though we came from different backgrounds we shared one goal, held one purpose and looked forward for one destiny because in Fyzabad we were as ONE.

"Tonight as I stand here, I feel the need more than ever before to call the membership of this Party back to its moorings of unity which bound us together here in Fyzabad in 2010.

"Tonight I feel the need to remind us that united we defeated our common foe and walked right along into the corridors of power and if we remain united this party can never be defeated," he declared.

Warner said if ever there was a time when the UNC needs a strong Chairman it is now.

"Do not forget that right here in this place hand in hand we held on to each other and sang the song “We will Rise.”

"Never forget this! For it was right here in this place we held tenaciously on to each other and sang that beautifully song, “One Love” written by our Jamaican brother, Bob Marley.

"Remember how together we applauded each other as we looked for the golden morning of May 24, 2010 when the sun would rise for the United National Congress.

He reminded the UNC membership that two years ago no one asked who was Hindu, Muslim or Christian.

"When we rallied our ground troops to face the battlefield and bring home victory for this glorious Party, no one cared to what race each member belonged...tonight I remember the chain of hands joined together as the Hands of Unity to form a fortress from which our Political Leader can today stand strong and reign victorious over the People’s National Movement," he said.

He said he remains as committed as ever for the cause of the UNC, noting that his fight is not within the People’s Partnership.

"What you see in the UNC from time to time are familiar tiffs as each member jockeys for the attention of a favourite parent...

"My fight is not to bring this party into disrepute but to marshal all our forces to fight against our common foe, for a shared good for one people."

He reminded his audience that he fought the leadership in 2009 for the good of the party and won judgments "in order to ensure that some members who offer themselves for service today were not expelled from the Party".

He added, "I was humiliated, berated even abused when I was locked out of Reinzi Complex and man-handled by a few but I took it all, I never abandoned the Party, never sought to destroy it because I understood the power of unity and the strength if we remain as ONE.

"No other person vying for the position of candidate has such a track record," said as he appealed to UNC members to vote him back to office on Saturday.

He offered three reasons why he believes he is the best candidate for the job:

  • I have never left this party, never abandoned this party but always sought to keep it united and keep this party as ONE 
  • I have always been sober for the Children of the UNC, making sensible not rash decisions for you my people of the UNC
  • I have always been among you, touching you, talking to you, walking with you. I am not just a picture on a truck or a voice on a speaker I have been with you always whether it is election time or not 

Warner also spoke of his track record of mobilising the party twice within six months to defeat the PNM. "This was achieved because through thick and thin, I kept the party as ONE," he said.

"I believe in the diverse unity of the UNC because I understand the power of being as ONE. For the Party to succeed we must remain as ONE. For the Party to be victorious over the PNM we have to remain as ONE. For the Party to reign supreme it has to stand as ONE," Warner declared.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai