Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Jack pledges never to desert UNC members

File: Jack Warner campaigning with UNC Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar
Jack Warner stood firm Tuesday night in his support for his political leader as he addressed hundreds of supporters at a political meeting at the Waterloo High School in Central Trinidad.

And the chairman of the United National Congress (UNC), who is seeking re-election in Saturday's UNC election, also pledged to continue to work closely with the people. "Your Jack Warner would never change," he said.

Warner reminded his audience that when the UNC was experiencing its worst crisis and facing extinction in 2007 he was the one who stepped in a "gave the UNC a new breath of life".

He was referring to the state of the party after UNC Leader Winston Dookeran left the party and formed the Congress of the People (COP).

At that time all the national political analysts were saying that the UNC was dead and they were even predicting that Dookeran and COP would form the next government.

Warner said that was the time he pulled out all the stops and determined that he would save the UNC from what appeared to be certain demise. He pulled all resources together, he said, and staged the "biggest political rally" ever held in the country to demonstrate that the party was far from dead.

His dedication to the UNC, he said, allowed the party to win 16 of the seats in the 2007 election, which the PNM won. COP did not win any seat. That victory paved the way for him to fight for reform and the election of a new executive, led by Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

Warner stated that contrary to what some detractors are saying his efforts and organisational skills helped the party to unite the opposition and win the general and local elections in 2010.

Warner said his his opponents have no such commitment to the party and no track record on which to stand and argued that he is the only person who deserves to be elected as chairman of the party.

He also stressed the need for the UNC to remain united. "We are one", he said, adding that anyone who creates division in the party does not deserve to be in the UNC. "You have to be a party for ALL," he said.

The Chaguanas West MP took credit for the diversification of the party, noting that the UNC was once considered an Indian party with only Wade Mark as the symbolic black face.

Former UNC leader Basdeo Panday had appointed Mark as chairman of then UNC after he forced the resignation of the legitimately elected chairman, Dr Rampersad Parasram.

Warner said the "House of the Rising Sun" must continue to remain a party for everyone regardless of ethnicity, status or religious belief. He said he is proud to have shifted the party in that direction, making it a truly national party.

He praised his political leader, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, for her strength and her commitment to democracy in the UNC.

Warner said he has heard all manner of rumours that there will be irregularities in Saturday's vote.

However he said he expects that the vote will be free, fair and transparent because he knows that his political leader would never undermine democracy. And he said he has full confidence in the leadership of the party. "Democracy is alive and well in the UNC," he said.

The Works Minister talked about his commitment to the people and pledged that even if he does not win on Saturday he would continue to serve the people.
At the same time he assured supporters that victory is going to come his way. And he asked for 15,000 votes to send a clear signal that the people are fully behind him. "I am politically greedy," he said.

Warner is facing a challenge from his former political researcher, Attorney Ashwani Mahabir, and one other candidate, Mooniram Heru.

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