Saturday, March 3, 2012

Jack in the race in UNC election, will contest chairman's post again

Supporters greet Jack Warner as he arrives at Parliament for the no confidence debate
Jack Warner announced on Friday that he will be running for the post of chairman of the United National Congress (UNC), the position he currently holds in the party's national executive (NATEX).

In a letter to his political leader ahead of the announcement to the media, Warner told Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar he will not run with any slate "since history is replete with examples underscoring the negative impact such an approach can have on the party."

He added, "In this regard, I offer myself for service and I am committed to be loyal to the party and all the members elected by the membership of the Rising Sun."

The Works and Infrastructure minister made it clear that he will always be loyal to his leader. "My loyalty to the party and to you, Hon. PM, can never be challenged. My commitment to your leadership stands assured."

Warner won a landslide victory in the 2010 election against Vasant Bharath, who was the candidate for chairman on the slate of former UNC leader Vasant Bharath. In that election he also ran without a team.

Warner's letter to the PM is reproduced below:

Hon PM,
I did say publicly that I propose to announce today whether I shall be contesting the post of Chairman of the UNC in the upcoming Party elections.

I therefore now do wish to inform you before informing the Media at 1:00pm today (Friday) that I have decided to contest the post of Chairman of the UNC once again.

I wish to take this opportunity first and foremost to thank the media and all members of the national community who have stood strong with me during my first term in office as the Chairman of the United National Congress offering both support and critique of my stewardship during that period.

Hon PM, I acknowledge the ways in which you have strengthened my resolve and thus provide the catalyst to guide me in my decision to offer myself for service for yet another term as Chairman of the United National Congress.

This decision was not an easy one to make but in my moments of reflection I have realised that my commitment to service has not diminished, my drive to ensure that the United National Congress remains the preferred option of Government for all nationals has not died and my promise to provide a society of which our posterity will be proud is still to be fulfilled.

In 2010, I was part of the strategic management team that dismantled the corrupt and arrogant People’s National Movement and vowed that in my life time never to allow them to return to Government again.

To do so requires a leadership that is audacious, fearless and strong and I am convinced that I can offer such quality to whichever team is elected by the members of the United National Congress.

I am not prepared to run with any slate since history is replete with examples underscoring the negative impact such an approach can have on the party. In this regard, I offer myself for service and I am committed to be loyal to the party and all the members elected by the membership of the Rising Sun.

The UNC needs a Chairman who will not divide the party, who will hold the party together and keep it focused on the goal of laying a foundation of strength for the sustainable development of this country.

The UNC needs a Chairman who in spite of the turbulence of the waters will hold the ship together and guide it safely into harbour securing the health and reputation of all its crew and members.

My loyalty to the party and to you, Hon PM, can never be challenged. My commitment to your leadership stands assured. My availability to our activists and ground soldiers is evident in their many requests to me to offer myself for service.

As such, I can do none other but to declare that Jack Warner will be contesting the March 24, 2012 Internal Elections of the United National Congress for the post of Chairman of the UNC.

Regards, Jack Warner | Chairman, United National Congress

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
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