Thursday, March 22, 2012

Commentary: Leave Kamla alone!

The latest People's National Movement (PNM) "expose" about Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar borders on the ridiculous and reminded me of the words of Plato, the Greek author and philosopher:

"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something."

It seems that the PNM believes it must keep talking and exposing imaginary scandals and keep making all kinds of allegations at its weekly new conferences even if, like the proverbial fool, there is nothing to say.

What are the latest "allegations", as Marlene McDonald, put it?
  • Three nephews of the Prime Minister, who live abroad, might have stayed at her official residence, used facilities reserved for the PM in her official capacity and may have had a meal or two "at taxpayers' expense" 
  • Her sister might have stayed at the official residence 
  • Why has she used a national security helicopter to travel within the country? 
  • Why does Kamla hold meetings at her private residence? 
In keeping with her policy of transparency Kamla has explained all these things as she has done with other frivolous issues raised by the PNM opposition over the past two years. There has been no abuse. And surely, a PM deserves some flexibility in conducting her daily affairs.

Perhaps someone should remind the PNM of the role of the opposition in our Parliamentary system.

The Opposition’s main role is to question the government of the day and hold them accountable to the public. However, it must do so is a responsible and constructive way. And as an alternative government, it must do more than challenge the policies of the government; it must produce different policies where appropriate.

An active Opposition would debate legislation vigorously in the House of Representatives and during the Select Committee process ensure the legislation receives careful consideration.

And where there is a truly responsible opposition it will sometimes agree with government if the solution proposed by the Government has wide support and is soundly based.

Does that sound like the PNM opposition? You be the judge.

What we have got from the PNM in the past two years is a lot of sound and fury with no constructive ideas. The target is always Kamla - what she is wearing, how much her shoes cost, what time she goes to bed, who are her friends.

And their whole motivation is to try to get something to stick on Kamla the way Patrick Manning's Hart was exposed.

There is a reason for that. The PNM sincerely believes that if you tell lies often enough and keep a constant attack on the leader, you will eventually cause the fall of the leader and then "all fall down". Manning boasted in Parliament that he used that strategy to bring down the Robinson NAR government and that Keith Rowley was part of that scheme.

They did it with the Panday government and brought down that government with help from some of Panday's top ministers. Now they are hoping to do the same with Kamla.

The trouble is that people are seeing through Rowley and his team and even "PNM till ah ded" supporters are starting to "stueps" with the way the opposition is conducting its affairs.

A case in point was the no confidence motion that Rowley brought to Parliament that wasted everybody's time and gave the government the best opportunity yet to boast of its achievements since taking office.

If you go through the news archives over the past 21 months since Rowley muscled his way into becoming leader of the PNM you will find very few instances where the opposition has performed as it should.

On the hanging legislation it kept saying that it supports the execution of convicted killers yet it voted down the bill. Rowley walked away from the Joint Select Committee on procurement for no good reason while saying he wants to see strong legislation to encourage transparency.

And in their weekly rants, they seem to forget that they have a past that is less than glorious.

What about Manning's lies about the PM's house? And what about Rowley's lies about Anand Ramlogan going to New York and complaining about the ethnicity of staff at the T&T Consulate there? And his most recent lie about a former SIA director having a government contract?

The Nazis based their propaganda on fabricating "truths" and speaking and presenting them so often they became "facts". The PNM understands that well. And it is working hard to use that strategy to try to destabilise the present government.

There is one problem with it. They are forgetting that the people of Trinidad & Tobago now know how to listen, judge and make decisions. They have grown up; they can no longer be seduced by the PNM the way Eric Williams did it for 30 years.

Can the PNM honestly say that Patrick Manning's sons or relatives never dropped in for a cup of tea? And what about the millions the former PM squandered on entertainment expenses while spending many millions more flying all over the place in a private jet leased from his friend's company.

Kamla is running a good government and managing quite well in crossing all the hurdles she faces. The PNM would be do well to understand that there is a strong, united government in place and the only way it would defeat Kamla and her team is for it to get serious and start behaving responsibly.

The people know what they want and they know they have the power to elect leaders who lead. That's why they put Kamla there. And Rowley and company would remain where they are in perpetuity unless they become a truly national party and start acting in the national interest and as a government in waiting.

Here's my message to the PNM: Leave Kamla alone! She has a country to run ... and she has to fix the mess you created.
Jai Parasram | Toronto - 22 March 2012

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai