Tuesday, February 28, 2012

UNC getting ready for internal election; March 4 is nomination day

File: UNC Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar. The leader's post is not up for election on March 24
Next monday - March 4 - is Nomination Day for candidates contesting the internal election of the United National Congress (UNC). The election for 17 posts in the National Executive (NATEX) is on March 24.

The party expects to announce the list of candidates on March 12. There are plans for special voting to take place on March 18 at the party's headquarters at the Rienzi Complex, Couva.

There are three posts of Deputy Leader in NATEX, currently held by Suruj Rambachan, Roodal Moonilal and Lyndira Oudit. It's not clear if any or all of them will run again.

Party Chairman Jack Warner has not stated if he will contest the election. It is expected that he will make a formal announcement by Friday. There is speculation that People Minister Glenn Ramadharsingh will be running for party chairman.

Former UNC leader Basdeo Panday is advising a group called Generation Next, which has stated that it will have a full slate of candidates for the election.
Panday's daughter, Mickela, who served as Oropouche West MP in the 9th Parliament, is expected to be a candidate. However she has not confirmed that. She told local media, "I don’t think it will be free and fair." 

She offered no evidence to support her allegations. And while she was casting doubt on the electoral process she also stated that the screening process for candidates is proceeding well with people showing deep interest in the elections.

The election is based on a one member, one vote policy. Only financial members would be allowed to vote.

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Jai & Sero

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Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai