Thursday, February 23, 2012

KFC worker saves newborn after mom delivers in toilet

Mom and baby at Sangre Grande hospital - Guardian photo
A newborn baby is alive today thanks to an employees of a workers at a fast foods restaurant in Sangre Grande, east Trinidad.

According to local media reports 19-year-old woman gave birth to a baby in a toilet bowl at a fast food outlet in Sangre Grande during J’Ouvert celebrations on Carnival Monday. 

A worker at the KFC restaurant, Alicia Espinoza, heard the cries of the baby boy and saved the infant.

Shawna Nagasser and her baby are  “doing well” at the Sangre Grande Hospital where they are warded, the Guardian newspaper reported.

Espinoza said around 7 on Monday morning she saw Nagasser with her head down on a table in KFC sleeping. She added that three hours later she asked the woman if there was a problem.

“She told me she was hungry and her belly was hurting and she wanted to use the washroom," the Guardian quoted Espinoza as saying.

“I brought something for her to eat but she said she really needed to use the washroom,” Espinoza added. The woman said she was five months pregnant.

However it turned out that Nagasser was delivering the baby. Espinoza's training as a nurse’s assistant came in handy.

She was able to pull the full term baby out of toilet. “I heard the baby crying and took a clean cloth and wiped the water from his face and mouth and head,” she told the paper.

By then the KFC management had called for an ambulance but none was available. “I told them to go outside and see if any police officers were on patrol. The officers came and they called the Fire Service and they took mother and child to the Sangre Grande Hospital,” she stated.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai