Friday, February 24, 2012

Armour won't participate in Gafoor tribunal

Senior Counsel Reginald Armour has recused himself as Counsel for the Tribunal appointed by President Max Richards on February 6 to investigate complaints made by members of the Integrity Commission against Deputy Chairman Gladys Gafoor.

Gafoor is under suspension from the commission.

A media release from the Office of the President Thursday said President Richards has appointed Neal Bisnath to replace Armour on the Tribunal.

The Tribunal is chaired by retired Justice Michael de la Bastide, retired Justice Humphrey Stollmeyer, and Madame Justice Maureen Rajnauth Lee.

Its mandate is to report to and advise the president on whether Gafoor's conduct or behaviour constituted misconduct and/or misbehaviour within the meaning of the Integrity in Public Life Act.

An investigation is underway to determine how confidential matters were leaked to the media.
Armour issued his own statement on his decision to recuse himself from the tribunal:

"The question was raised in the print media whether, as legal adviser to His Excellency, there might exist a conflict of interest in my discharge of the functions of counsel to the Section 136 Tribunal. 

"I am satisfied that on the structure of Section 136 of the Constitution, and the clearly defined roles therein prescribed for the President and the tribunal, that there is no such conflict. 

"Nevertheless, what is of paramount importance is that the objective observer must, from the outset, repose confidence in the process. 

"Accordingly, I considered that in the prudent discharge of my duty to the tribunal and to His Excellency I should offer to recuse myself as counsel to the tribunal, for whose benefit the functions of the office of counsel are to be performed. 
"His Excellency was gracious enough to accept my offer of recusal.

The President’s statement:

"Mr Reginald Armour SC has recused himself from his appointment as counsel to the Section 136 tribunal appointed on 6th February, 2012. His Excellency professor George Maxwell Richards has accepted his recusal. Mr Neil Bisnath has been appointed by His Excellency as counsel to the tribunal."

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai