Friday, January 6, 2012

Portia promises to drop monarchy in favour of local head of state

Portia Simpson Miller took the oath of office Thursday to become Prime Minister of Jamaica, with a pledge to dispense with the Queen as the island's head of state.

Under Jamaica's constitution, Queen Elizabeth II is the head of state with a resident Governor General as her official representative who appoints the prime minister and conducts other business of state.

File: Queen Elizabeth inspects a guard of honour during a visit to Jamaica. 
In her speech at her swearing-in at the official residence of the governor general, Simpson Miller said the change will happen in 2012.

“This 50th Anniversary year will be a time for reflection on the lessons of the past; and, as we celebrate our achievements as an independent nation, we now need to complete the circle of independence.

"In this regard, we will initiate the process for our detachment from the Monarchy to become a Republic, with our own indigenous President, as Head of State," Simpson Miller said.

The Prime Minister also called for the nation to work together and promised to preside over a government where transparency and accountability will be important watchwords.

"Our approach must be to right the wrongs and insist on accountability. Jamaicans want a more transparent and accountable government and should accept nothing less," she said.
She also promised that her government will work to build a more respectful and responsible society. "Respect, responsibility and trustworthiness. I pledge to lead and take responsibility for the society," she said.

Simpson Miller also urged Jamaicans to become more respectful of themselves and others.

She said she will lead by example and added that her administration will strive for more civil and respectful behaviour in parliament.

She also called on the opposition to honour their statement about both parties having a similar vision for the country.

The Prime Minister also stated that Jamaicans in the diaspora will have every opportunity to contribute and will be respected as equally as those at home.

In his remarks Governor General Patrick called Jamaicans to support their new prime minister and help the country to pull itself out of the economic and social hole it finds itself in.

"Jamaicans from all walks of lend, lend your support to Portia Simpson Miller because when you support her you support yourselves. By supporting her Jamaica becomes the beneficiary," Allen said during his address.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai