Thursday, December 8, 2011

US embassy says licence for summit "pending"; Suruj says relations with Cuba, US, sound

Rainy welcome for Cuba President Raul Castro
The Express newspaper reported on Thursday that the American embassy in Port of Spain has stated that the request by the Hilton for a special licence by to accommodate the Caricom-Cuba summit was received a late and is still "pending".

That is irrelevant since the summit ends Thursday and is being held at the National Academy for the Performing Arts (NAPA) with Cuban President Raul Castro and Caribbean heads of state in attendance.

The paper said the acting public affairs officer at the embassy told its reporter that the only reason the licence was not granted was because the Hilton did not apply on time.

Alexander McLaren said the application was dated November 23 and received by the relevant U.S. office on November 28.

McLaren added that the US values its relationship with this country, recognises its importance as a leader in the region, and looks forward to continued productive engagement "on issues of interest to both of our nations".

Foreign Affairs Minister Suruj Rambachan told reporters the American government is within its right rights and noted Helms-Burton law would have prevented the hosting of the summit at other major hotels like the Hyatt Regency, Marriott and Crowne Plaza.

"And I think eventually we will have to see in a wider global sense and as part of the community of the Caribbean that you cannot keep a policy of exclusion for too long," he added.

However Rambachan was emphatic that there is a conflict when it comes to its relationships with Cuba and its links with the United States. 

"We have always had relationships with Cuba. As I said we have voted alongside other countries in support of Cuba at the UN. So there's no conflict at all. Our relations with the United States of America continue and you see we respected their right to ask the Hilton not to host the function," he said.

He added that no restrictions will deter Trinidad and Tobago from achieving the best relationships with countries.

One of the issues before the summit is a call for the United States to end its trade embargo against Cuba. The Obama administration has relaxed some of the harsh measures, but the embargo remains.

Rambachan said, "This Government has always voted at the UN with the respect to the removal of any kinds of embargoes that affect the well-being and the humanity of people."

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar said she will not get involved in United States foreign policy. "It is clearly a foreign policy of the US and I will not comment on their foreign policy. They are a sovereign nation and they are entitled to govern as they see fit," she said.

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