Saturday, December 24, 2011

PNM may have "blood on its hands" in Laventille fire: Moonilal. Fire escapes for 100 HDC buildings

The fire-damaged HDC building in Laventille. People jumped to their deaths from the fifth floor
Housing Minister Dr Roodal Moonilal said Friday the People's National Movement (PNM) may have "blood on its hands" in connection with Tuesday's fire in Trou Macaque, Laventille that left four people dead, including an infant and a toddler.

Moonilal made the staetement to reporters at a Christmas treat in his constituency.
There was no fire escape at the five-storey HDC apartment building and people had to jump out to save their lives. One of the persons who died was a pregnant woman. A teenager and a 46-year old woman died when they jumped from the fifth storey.

Moonilal said the tragedy might have been avoided if the building was equipped with a fire escape. 

"As you know, the fire that took place during the week led to fatalities and it is something that we extend our condolences to the family but we are extremely angry that it had led to this," Moonilal told the media. 

"I am hearing now members of the Opposition speaking about the good work of the HDC in providing new housing units to those persons but we must also remember that it was under the former administration that these buildings were constructed and left in that condition without fire escapes and health and safety facilities. 

"In fact, one person told me that this is akin to manslaughter, and it may well be that the former administration, by having a building like this without fire escapes and so on, may have actually contributed to manslaughter by the death of these persons," Moonilal stated.

Twenty families who were made homeless by the fire have been given temporary shelter at HDC apartments at Oropune Gardens in Piarco.

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar visited the scene of the tragedy Tuesday and handed out keys to the families. She also ordered that all HDC buildings be equipped with all the necessary safety facilities.

Moonilal said the HDC is putting in the necessary infrastructure.

"We have started a programme to install fire alarms and fire extinguishers in several HDC buildings. We have another programme that we will initiate in the New Year to construct fire escapes in over 100 HDC buildings."

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