Sunday, December 25, 2011

PM Kamla's Christmas message urges citizens to celebrate that which 'binds us together'

Fellow citizens, on behalf of the Government and people of Trinidad and Tobago, I bring greetings to our Christian Community on this holy and festive season of Christmas.

Regarded as a time of reflection for many Christians worldwide, as the birth of Jesus is commemorated and celebrated; the season of Christmas invites all of us to look within to our own thoughts and examine our actions as we witness the closing of one year and move with renewed hope into the year to come.

Hope for the realization of dreams and aspirations; hope for a brighter day and better things to come. For many that hope is for a place to call home, a daily meal or to be able to financially support themselves and their families.

To this end my Government will continue its housing and social support programmes to bring relief to our most vulnerable citizens. We will offer that “Bridge of Hope” to enable all our citizens to enjoy a life of dignity, free from want and neglect.

Recently our Nation witnessed the tragic loss of life in the community of Laventille and once again I extend my sincere condolences to all the affected families. I am deeply saddened by this willful act of arson which cut short so many lives. 

In the face of this tragedy, I ask that, now more than ever, we seek to mediate and talk through our differences rather than resort to acts of violence which only leaves in its wake pain and suffering. My prayers go out to the injured and the loved ones of those who died in the fire.

As a Nation, 2011 may be regarded as a challenging year. A year filled with disappointments and triumphs, in which we were all asked to make heavy sacrifices as my Government sought to correct the ills which had plagued our communities for far too long.

I recognize that the State of Emergency and curfew, imposed only after prolonged deliberation and in light of information at hand, was a necessary measure to offset an imminent threat to our beloved country’s stability, reputation and development. 

The results speak for themselves and have created a safer environment for our citizens although there is still much work to be done. I take this opportunity to again thank our combined forces, the Police service and Defence force for their dedication and committment.

I take this opportunity, once again, to commend you, my fellow citizens, for your patience, understanding and overall co-operation which contributed in large part to the success of the State of Emergency.

While there is still much work to be done, and my Government remains committed to the task, to stamp out those negative elements determined to wreck havoc in our communities; there is much for which we must be grateful.

In the international arena, Trinidad and Tobago continued to attract favourable attention. The hosting of the first Caribbean Investment Forum in June and the 3rd China/Caribbean Trade and Economic Co-operation Forum in September effectively positioned Trinidad and Tobago as an excellent destination in which to do business.

Our country’s positive engagement with the emerging economies of Brazil, India and China, in addition to, the strengthening our links with our Caribbean and Latin American neighbours, has put Trinidad and Tobago on the threshold of renewed economic growth from which all our citizens may benefit.

Trinidad and Tobago has also become known as a champion of women’s and children’s rights and I will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that the rights of our women and children, especially our young girls are not infringed.

Particularly at this time we remember our children, those who were taken from us too soon and those still with us whom we must protect, nurture and give every opportunity to realize their full potential.

I give you the assurance that my Government will do all its power to improve and provide adequate health, education and recreational facilities to enable our children to thrive and prosper.

Christmas is a moving reminder that one person, one child, has the ability to make a dramatic difference in the world. 

The birth of Jesus brought together kings and shepherds. Without regard for status, all were united in admiration of the child who had come to change the world. So, too, we must regard our children as precious gifts not only to our families; but also to the Nation and the world and ceaselessly strive to protect them from exploitation and harm.

As we celebrate the Christmas season, let us relinquish the need to focus on our differences during this blessed season, and instead open our hearts and minds to the commonalities which bind us together. 

In the tradition of the season let us remember the less fortunate among us and give selflessly of our time, talents and resources, recognizing that we each have a duty to reduce the suffering of those around us.

Let us also remember in the midst of our festivities, to act responsibly, to refrain from excess and exercise caution in our homes and on the roads.

More importantly, may the Christmas spirit that we now feel not end with the Season, but remain with each of us during the course of the year.

May the light which pierced the darkness that first Christmas night, continue to fill our hearts with peace, hope, joy and love.

It is with a blissful heart that I extend a very Merry Christmas to the Christian community and offer my best wishes for a peaceful and prosperous New Year to the people of Trinidad and Tobago.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai