Friday, December 23, 2011

PM Kamla challenges Rowley, says corporate sponsors donate toys

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Thursday challenged Opposition Leader Keith Rowley to provide evidence to support his charge that the Government is bullying contractors to pay for the PM's nationwide Christmas toy drive for over 50,000 children.

Rowley made the charge the day before and called on Persad-Bissessar to explain who is paying for the Christmas charity project. He even suggested that there was something illegal about the toy drive and asked if people involved in drugs were contributing to it.

“That is totally not true. If he has any evidence of this, then bring it and I will deal with it,” Persad-Bissessar told reporters who asked about the matter.

She stated that Christmas is a wonderful time for giving and caring, noting that Rowley is behaving like “Scrooge”.

She said, “Last year we gave out toys and hampers. He is like Scrooge. People are very happy."

Persad-Bissessar explained that corporate sponsors donated the toys, adding that she has been doing this for children in her constituency for 17 years.

“It is not the first time we are doing this...but now we are doing it on a national scale,” Persad-Bissessar added.

Foreign Affairs and Communications Minister Dr Surujrattan Rambachan also called on Rowley to present evidence to back his claim or apologise to the Prime Minister.

Rambachan said Rowley has again made "disturbing assertions against the Prime Minister, where he attempts to create an alignment between convicted persons, and their personas, and the Prime Minister.”

The minister stated that not only is it "reprehensible" for the Opposition Leader to "utilise an initiative that seeks to bring joy to children during the Christmas season but it also borders on acrimonious rancour.”

He said Rowley is seeking to “malign and cast aspersions, utilising a ‘peek-a-boo’ mentality.”

Rambachan said if Rowley had information to support his assertions he should identify his source and provide the evidence. He said if Rowley was unable to do that “he risks being the subject of yet another suit for defamation of character.” Earlier this week Attorney General initiated legal action against Rowley.

In a media release Rambachan said Rowley is attempting to “bring this occasion into disrepute and political partisanship."

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai