Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Moonilal confirms that he got letter complaining about UDeCOTT

Dr Roodal Moonilal confirmed on Tuesday that he received a letter written by Eugene Reynald, expressing concerns over practices at the Urban Development Company of Trinidad and Tobago (UDeCOTT). Moonilal is the line minister for UDeCOTT.

Reynald posted an open letter addressed to Moonilal, dated September 28, 2011, on a blog in which he alleged that there were corrupt practices taking place at the state company.

He pointed to contracts for the relocation of Parliament and said, "These unfair and unethical practices have become acceptable to those in Cabinet, Parliament and many in the local construction industry who are benefiting from it and/or the chaos it creates."

Moonilal told reporters he sent the letter to UDeCOTT. "I asked UDeCOTT to respond to him. He made some very serious allegations and I thought that UDeCOTT should treat with it," the minister told the media.

He added, "I believe UDeCOTT has responded and indicated that there was no accuracy to the allegations raised."

The minister also acknowledged a "bitter relation" between Reynald and UDeCOTT chairperson Jearlean John. Moonilal said any concerns raised would be addressed but UDeCOTT's work will go on.

"We cannot derail our construction programme based on the whim and fancy of a blogger. Where there are concerns, we will investigate and treat with them in the interest of transparency."

He pointed out that UDeCOTT has been transformed under the People's Partnership Government and John's chairmanship.

"UDeCOTT, for the first time in ten years, went public for tendering to outfit Tower D, and instead of going for one contractor, hired three and they were all local contractors—not one was foreign. The project was delivered within budget and time. It is a great victory for the new UDeCOTT," said Moonilal.

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Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai