Sunday, September 25, 2011

Republic Day message from COP Leader Prakash Ramadhar

My dear brothers and sisters, Citizens of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

On behalf of the Congress of the People I extend best wishes to all, as we join hands together to celebrate our 35th. Anniversary as a Republican Nation.

When we formally dissolved links with the British Monarchy in 1976, we took another giant step towards the fulfillment of a national consciousness. Whilst we have come a long way, we have a lot more to accomplish as we strive towards a truly developed nation.

On this auspicious occasion it is fitting that we especially our youth, should remind ourselves of the sterling contributions of those who have held the Office of President of our beloved Republic. 

Today we salute our First President – Sir Ellis Clarke; President Noor Hassanali; President A.N.R. Robinson and our present President George Maxwell Richards. In their lives and advice we can find great lessons of patriotism to Trinidad and Tobago.

Our nation has given much to all of us: educational opportunities, wealth, freedom of worship and a harmonious way of life. This is not to deny however, that at this moment in our history, Trinidad and Tobago and indeed the world family of nations confront serious challenges: security, governance, economic and social. 

Our country needs us now, more than ever in our drive to overcome these challenges. Sacrifice, hard work and selflessness must be our guiding principles . 

We must always put country first. National interest must come before self interest. We must protect our environment. We must grow and consume more of our own food. We must support our local artistes. We must encourage our local entrepreneurs and to ensure that local creators, designers and inventors are given a proper space on the national spectrum.

The role of the state is to promote the empowerment of each citizen so that the individual can have the maximum influence in creating his/her own opportunities,self-fulfillment and success .

This is indeed true independence; the hallmark of Republicanism . Additionally we must empower ourselves to think beyond our generation , because success is a never ending process.

As we enter another year of Republicanism and in eleven months our Golden Independence Anniversary, we in Trinidad and Tobago have the wit, the intelligence and wisdom to create a new dynamism, features of which , all of us must become equal partners in the task of nation-building .Our future is in our own hands.

Happy Republic Day to all!

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai