Friday, September 23, 2011

Police to consult DPP before laying gang-related charges

Police in Trinidad & Tobago say they have not abandoned the search for persons associated with gangs. However spokesperson Joanne Archie told reporters Thursday they are now seeking the advice from Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Roger Gaspard before charges are laid.

Archie made the point at the police daily press briefing in Port of Spain.

"What has to happen is that before an arrest can be made we are seeking the advice of the Director of Public Prosecutions on the evidence which needs to be presented in order to secure or support a charge under the Anti Gang legislation," Archie said.

Archie made it clear that the DPP's advice is not need to arrest anyone but to lay charges.

The DPP's contention that he did not have enough evidence for prosecution led to the release of 21 men from Nelson Street, Port of Spain who were detained two days after the start of the State of Emergency on Suspicion of being connected to gangs.

Archie did not wish to be drawn into a debate on whether the rule applied in the Nelson Street matter.

"I am saying once there is evidence to support a charge, consultation will be had with the DPP and if the evidence as advised by him is sufficient there will be an arrest," Archie said.

She was also unable to say if any of the 449 alleged gang members in detention would be freed. "I can't comment since I know that those discussions with the DPP are still ongoing."

She explained that police operate on "intelligence information, investigations and any information which may come." She added, "We welcome information from members of the public."

In an unrelated matter Thursday, a magistrate dismissed gang-related charges against three men from Princes Town who had been detained during the State of Emergency after the DPP advised that there was insufficient evidence to prosecute on those charges.

The men were among a group of 10 that was arrested by police. However they did not walk free. They are still facing other charges.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai