Saturday, October 1, 2011

Commentary by Dr Morgan Job. A personal view of Eric Williams and the PNM

The edited commentary below by Dr Morgan Job has been reproduced from the online group CARIBBEAN TALK. To read more of Dr Job's writing please click here to visit his website.

One Baby born on March 25, 1911 was named Albert Gomes. Another baby born on September 25, 1911 was named Eric Williams.

Keith Rowley demands that Parliament declare 2011 the year of Eric Williams, while following Williams to wipe out Gomes from the history of the people of Trinidad and Tobago.

Fascists are the model of historiography animating Rowley, and Eric Williams' one liner,"Butler, Solomon, and Cipriani labored in the vineyard only to produce the barren fruit of Albert Gomes."

What a barren Fruit was Albert Gomes!

While Eric Williams was nowhere around Gomes from 1931 to 1933 squandered his father's money on The Beacon, a pioneering magazine that laid the foundations for Ralph de Boissiere, Alfred Mendes, CLR James, creative artistes, musicians, ethnographers, anthropologists...and Gomes was Mayor of Port of Spain and Chief Minister and predecessor of Eric Williams.

It was Gomes as Chief Minister in 1951 who secured repeal of the Shouter Baptist Prohibition Ordinace of 1917; and it was GOMES WHO PERSUADED THE GOVERNOR TO DESIST FROM INTERPRETING LIBEL LAWS in a manner injurious to calypsonians, and Gomes intervened with the police on behalf of the "noise" made by steel pan players.

Surely a barren fruit?

And Gomes represented Trinidad and Tobago at the Montego Bay Conference in 1947 to discuss Independence and Federation of British Caribbean territories.

Eric Williams and Keith Rowley willfully and maliciously desire to wipe out a period, three decades before 1956, of seminal achievement and growth from the narrative of the history of the people of Trinidad and Tobago. That is what fascism is about. That is the fruit of racism.

If after PNM Cult hegemony since 1956, the "Indians" are rampant in their disregard for the rights of Africans, and Africans are impotent to resist the "Indian" onslaught, while African youth are an increasingly illiterate, feral, lethal, marauding herd wantonly killing, raping, looting Trinidad and Tobago Eric Williams has failed.

The daily radio talk from the PNM Cult MPs and talk shows is a confession of failure.

Williams' Ex-cathedra pontifications have materialized as an impoverished criminal "African" underclass, misled by a set of African pimps and Brer "Nanse conmen, still inciting Black racial feeling as the currency of political mobilization.

March 23, 1970 Williams bragged, "I am redirecting, reconstructing the society we have inherited. Political power is the key to everything.

"I am promoting a multi-racial society with emphasis on the economic and social upliftment of the two major disadvantaged groups. Our goal: Afro-Asian unity. We have consciously sought to promote Black economic power."

Listen to Rowley and you cannot believe Black power was Williams agenda in 1956, or '66, or '76! Amery Brown and a cabal of PNM clowns are blaming "Indians" for the manifest disaster of the criminal undercaste the PNM Cult cultivated.

Williams stated: "We have in five years created 1,523 black small farmers all over the country".

Morgan Job told Patrick Alleyne and PS Braithwaite, "You are mistaken to support the State land development project as a way to give land to Black people. You must give land to farmers or potential farmers." Alleyne is not yet dead.

Find him and ask him of Job's objection to settling ex-Wharfmen, PNM Cult supporters from Bequia, Carriacou, Montserat, St. Vincent, and Grenada at Waller Field, Turure and elsewhere.

Williams was manipulating historical facts or popular myths to sustain the populist UWI mythology concerning "slaves got no land, and indentured Indians got land" to justify his racist incitement concerning creating 1,523 black small farmers.

Millions of dollars were unfairly, and wastefully and corruptly dumped into the hands of people from the islands who never milked a cow and who's loyalty was never to farming or agriculture or development.
On PNM Talk Radio you hear illiteracy displayed. You hear a population uncomfortable with books written in English, or any other language. You never hear a discourse on the destruction people like George Lamming has produced by their sincere missionary literary productions to produce Black race pride.

No idea that the symbols in Williams' language need to be decoded: "Massa Day Done," where he dismissed Whites, Reds, high browns. No wonder the PNM Cult MPs and talk show devotees see Williams as a Black hero, not as a hero. In this sense he has failed to instill a colour blind pride in excellence and achievement.

Our enemy is not the British Colonial Office. It is not capitalism. It is not White people or Massa. Our enemy is ignorance and venality as manifested by Rowley, Amery Brown and the PNM Cult.

Our enemy is ignorance and PNM Cult racism, not "Indians". The enemy is the mimic men playing "Indians" while regurgitating RSS Hindutva propaganda, and it is the mimic men pimping a utopian idea of Africa.

"The blackest thing in slavery was not the Black man", then what was? It is in this sense that Williams is a monumental failure: his political success depended, especially after 1970, on casting himself as the great Black hope.

His PNM Cult has now matured into a racist shield of vulgar words purposed to saving Blacks from hegemonic or rampant Indians forty years after he crassly boasted of promoting "a muli-racial society, an Afro-Asian unity."

The widespread illiteracy and individual irresponsibility that devalues our lives daily are the ineluctable consequences of the success of Eric Williams' PNM Cult ideas that took root and flourished.

Williams' encouragement of O' Halloran, Prevatt, Dr. Rat. Steve Yeates, Rudolph Charles, Dr. Ouwai, Desperadoes, conmen, badjohns as foremen has nurtured a culture that corrupted the whole place called Trinidad and Tobago.

George Lamming and Selwyn Ryan two early devotees have admitted they were besotted as young men and seduced and deceived by Williams yard fowl politics.

Only a resolute language of brutal rejection of the perverse incitement in Williams' language will liberate us.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai