Monday, August 29, 2011

Amery Browne defends girl in offensive video, accuses AG of traumatising her

MP Amery Browne escorts the teenager from her lawyer's office
The teenager who was featured in an offensive video in which she insulated Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, hurled abuses at the PM and even a death threat has offered an apology.

In addition she has posted an apology on the Internet. It states:

"I could not sleep last night. I just want to say I am sorry to the Prime Minister for insulting her like that. I am sorry for the language, I am sorry for all the racist stuff I said. I do not really care about racist things because I am not racist, I do not really look at it like that but I am just real sorry."

She also sent the aplogy directly online to Attorney General Anand Ramlogan and pleaded with persons to stop posting the video online.

The video was initially posted on YouTube and later on Facebook. It has now been taken down.

Local media reports say the girl created the video on a laptop she received free from the People's Partnership government as a form one student last year.

She is reported to be from Cocorite.

On Sunday she met with her Member of Parliament, Amery Browne, at her attorney's office in Port of Spain.

Browne said the teenager was undergoing tremendous emotional and psychological stress.

He told the Express newspaper he went to the Cocorite community where he met "a severely traumatised child". He suggested that her trauma was brought on by remarks made by the Attorney General denouncing the video.

The MP said she should be treated as a criminal. "This is a minor. I am very concerned for her welfare and her safety at this time. She has apologised to the nation and to the Prime Minister and she has tried to make right."

Browne accused the AG of being abusive.

"I do not accept the very abusive posture of the Attorney General towards this minor. If you talk to her, if you look at her, she is completely traumatised. This is not the way the state should treat with any minor," Browne said.

"I think the first priority will be to find ways to control this Attorney General and this Government...and we are seeing their deterioration day by day," Browne said.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai