Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Clovis, Smith removed from Caribbean Airlines board

File: The original CAL board with Jack Warner
Two members of the board of Caribbean Airlines (CAL) have lost their positions: Alan Clovis and Susan Smith.

Jack Warner made the announcement in south Trinidad Tuesday. "I would say that one of them had to be relieved because we had to make room for one Jamaican on the Board...The other one was relieved because in Caribbean Airlines' wisdom, it was the most prudent thing to do."

The Jamaican member - Dennis Lalor - represents Air Jamaica, which has merged with CAL, with the Trinidad and Tobago national carrier holding 84 per cent of the shares.

George Nicholas will continue to chair the board along with businessman Mohan Jaikaran, Gizelle Russell, Avedanand Persad and Venosh Sagewan-Maraj.

Warner is no longer the line minister for CAL. The transport section of his ministry has been transferred to former PTSC chairman, Devant Maharaj.

Clovis told reporters Tuesday no one has advised him that he has been moved from the CAL board. He added that as far as he knows he did his work and there is no reason why he should be fired.

Clovis has had a close relationship with the CAL chairman. However he said his support for the chairman was always based on what's best for the airline and the country.

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