Sunday, May 15, 2011

T&T Economy stable: Dookeran

Finance Minister Winston Dookeran said Saturday Trinidad and Tobago's economy is in a "very stable condition" one year after the People's Partnership government came to office.

Dookeran was speaking at the founding congress of the Movement for Social Justice (MSJ) at Palms club in San Fernando. The MSJ is one of the five partners in the People's Partnership.

The minister said every financial decision made by the government has been with the country's best interest in mind although some citizens have disputed that.

According to Dookeran, "I had to protect Trinidad and Tobago from the risks that will come up our way if we do not take appropriate steps. Some thought that I was creating tears in the eyes of many, but those tears that are, today, in your eyes will become the joys for tomorrow."

He added, "It is in that context, when we began to look at the enormity of the financial task ahead of us, when we looked at the collapse of the CLICO financial impact, which affected ten per cent of the economy of this country and 17 per cent of the economy of the Caribbean, and you measure that against the financial crisis two years ago, which only affected three per cent of the United States economy, you will understand the enormity of the challenge that was before us."

Dookeran said the Government should be careful and not make the mistakes of the previous administration. He said the focus should be to transform the economy, politics and society.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai