Wednesday, May 25, 2011

T&T economy on the rebound: Dookeran

Winston Dookeran praised the leadership of Kamla Persad-Bissessasr Tuesday night in an address to a People's Partnership rally to celebrate the government's first year in office.

The finance minister and leader of the Congress of the People said the Prime Minister must get full credit for leading the government with a firm and steady hand.

Dookeran noted that when the government took office the economy was stuttering.

"We were owing billions of dollars to contractors and banks for those high buildings. We were faced with a frozen financial situation. Today, in just one year, our economy has begun to move again," Dookeran said.

He said international bankers are lining to do business with Trinidad and Tobago and told his audience that because of the fiscal approach the government has adopted the country now has an "A" rating with global agencies.

He also noted that 7,000 CLICO depositors have been paid their $75,000 so far and promised that more than 100,000 depositors of the Hindu Credit Union "will be getting payments shortly as we proceed to honour our commitment and pledges".

Dookeran told supporters that beginning on June 1, 2011 public servants will get their new salaries, based on their recently signed agreement in which they accepted a five per cent wage increase along with other benefits. And they will get their backpay by the end of June.

Dookeran said: "In the early days they said I bringing tears to the eyes of people. But those tears will turn into joy as we begin to see what going to happen in future."

The chairman of the United National Congress (UNC), Jack Warner, also praised his leader for her firm grip on governing the country.

And he spoke of a sense of patriotism that has been regenerated since the People's Partnership took office. He also noted that fewer people are trying to flee the country.

"Don't take my word for it. There are no more long lines at the United States (and) Canadian Embassy. People not leaving anymore. Those days are over," he said.

Warner also spoke of the achievements of the Public Transit Service Corporation (PTSC), which is under his control. He said when the government took office only 100 buses were on the roads.

He noted that there are now 325 operational buses and that many rural areas that never had public transit now have regular services from the PTSC. Tobago used to have four buses; now it has 40, he said.

He also called on supporters to defend Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

"We must stand up in defence of Kamla. It is us against them. Our defence of this government must be contagious. Defend government against Rowley and Imbert and Al-Rawi and Hinds and all those trying to pull us down", he told supporters.

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