Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Manning's lonely walk to San Fernando begins Wednesday

Patrick Manning is planning to begin a walk to San Fernando Wednesday, starting at the Red House. However, media reports suggest that only one of his parliamentary colleagues may join him.

Diego Martin Central MP Amery Browne told the Trinidad Express he is considering joining the march, which Manning has said is to protest "injustices to all people in Trinidad and Tobago".

Browne said he believes Manning has a valid cause. "From what I understand it is designed to be a march demonstrating against the ineffectiveness and vindictiveness of the Government so it certainly sounds very relevant to me at this time".

The Express said it polled PNM MPs to find out who supports Manning's protest march.

It said Point Fortin MP Paula Gopee-Scoon won't be with Manning at the start of his march because she has another commitment as chair of the PNM's Foreign Affairs Committee.

"I certainly support Mr Manning in all of his endeavours philosophy-wise...But I need to chat to him and get a first hand view of what's behind it. 

"It's not just a question of marching, but you need to know what is being done and why. Is it from a constituency perspective or a national perspective?" the Express quoted her as saying.

The paper said Chief Whip Marlene McDonald explained that the march is not a PNM party initiative, adding that she and the leadership don't know anything about it.

"Neither the leader, nor I, nor the party leadership has been informed about it...Nobody has invited me to attend anything," she said.  "I found out about it only from the news at 10pm last night (Monday)," she told the paper. 

One of Manning's staunchest supporters, Port of Spain North/St Ann's MP Patricia McIntosh, said has no plans to march, noting that she is too busy at work in her constituency.

However she said she supports what Manning is doing. "I am not against him doing his stuff, but I want to concentrate on my stuff and on the bigger picture of the party".

Laventille East/Morvant MP Donna Cox is also staying away from Manning's protest. She said he has to attend to Parliamentary business.

The Express said it was unable to reach Opposition leader Keith Rowley and Colm Imbert. However it said PNM sources said they would not be joining Manning.

La Brea Fitzgerald Jeffrey said he won't be a part of the Manning protest because he has "some important things to do", the paper said.

The paper said while elected PNM members are either unavailable or reluctant to join Manning some former cabinet members are expected to be part of the protest.

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