Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Commentary: Manning has failed San Fernando East

San Fernando East MP Patrick Manning was suspended from the House of Representatives last week and suddenly he is sensitive to the fact that there are 28,000 eligible electors whose voice he is supposed to represent in the Parliament. 

He jumps up from his slumber wanting to walk from Port of Spain to San Fernando.

Set aside the fact that for almost a decade he was the Prime Minister and was in a position to address their social and physical infrastructural needs, and therefore whatever is lacking in this area is largely due to his own failures in representing his constituency.

What has been Mr Manning’s record of representation for the last 11 months?

Since May 2010, Mr Manning has spoken in the Parliament only on three occasions: 
  • in October to express condolences on the passing of the Barbadian Prime Minister, in November when he contributed to the Interception of Communications Bill where he used all of his time to make spurious imputations against the character of the current Prime Minister
  • in April when he piloted his failed motion for his lawyers to participate in the proceedings of the Privileges Committee
Except for those three occasions, Mr Manning said not a single word in the Parliament, far less to represent a single plight facing the constituents of San Fernando East.

Mr Manning was also observed by the media to be consistently absent from the Chamber after the tea break, even though the House often sat way into the night dealing with the People’s business.

So for his voluntary silence and absence, how has Mr Manning been representing his constituents in the last 11 months? 

The people of San Fernando East have been without representation long before Mr Manning’s suspension on May 16. He did nothing to sound their voices in the Parliament.

San Fernando East constituents and PNM supporters should ponder this very carefully before they embark on any long-distance marches with the former PM in his shallow bid for political resurrection.

They should also consider that Mr Manning was suspended for making unsubstantiated allegations against the MP for Siparia, in breach of the Standing Orders of the House. 

With his 40 years of Parliamentary experience he knew better. He brought the suspension on himself and the punishment was just, so what is there really to protest?

Sunil Ramjitsingh | Chaguanas

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