Thursday, March 24, 2011

"The tide has now turned" PM Kamla tells Morne Diablo fishermen

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Wednesday formally commissioned the refurbished Morne Diablo fish landing site and promised that many more promised by her government will be opened in "as timely a fashion as this one".

She said the event signaled Government’s commitment to reviving the fishing industry in Trinidad and Tobago, "in our very diligent and committed move to ensure our economy is diversified and that the agriculture sector is revived and once more plays a vital role in not only economic development, but also, domestic food production."

Persad-Bissessar added, "For too long in the past, the agriculture sector and in particular, the fishing industry has been left unattended too, and the unfortunate consequence is that this very vital sector is now in serious decline."

She noted that the Ministry of Agriculture has promised and will deliver at least a dozen more sites. Work on them is now in progress in Fullerton, Cocorite, Maracas, Grande Riviere, Sans Souci, Balandra, Cumana, Toco, Matelot, Erin, Claxton Bay and Otaheite.

The Prime Minister said the opening of the Morne Diablo facility represents her government's commitment to reviving the fishing industry in Trinidad and Tobago "to ensure our economy is diversified and that the agriculture sector is revived and once more plays a vital role in not only economic development, but also, domestic food production."

She said that official statistics show that Trinidad and Tobago exports fish to a number of regional and international markets while at the same time importing large quantities of fish and fishery products including chilled and frozen fish. "The volume of imports suggests that local production has not been satisfying local demand," she said. "That is a problem which falls to us all to fix."

Persad-Bissessar noted the contribution of fisher folk to food production and promised that measures are being taken to expand the fisheries.

"You have a Government committed to fully supporting your efforts to revive this industry and pivot it to once more, a mainstay of our economy and food production.

"We will prioritise improving the facilities at the 65 landing sites around Trinidad and those in Tobago. We will raise the health and quality standards under which you ply your trade to ensure they meet local food and drugs regulations."

She also promised that the agriculture ministry would soon produce a marketing plan for the industry. And she said security for fishermen will also be a priority of her government.

"While I will not divulge national security issues, what I can say is that the Ministry of National Security has been mandated to address that ongoing problem of piracy at sea which affects our fisher folk who ply their trade.

"Government is committed to unveiling a plan which not only caters for more patrols and ensuring that your physical safety is guaranteed, but we are also in the process of intuiting diplomatic discussions with the Venezuelan authorities to arrive at a mutual joint patrol plan to protect our fisher folk who may be blamed for fishing outside our waters.

"The need for partnerships is especially important in remote, rural districts which don’t share the numerous economic connections found in more heavily populated regions. Development and support of the fisheries industry needs to approach planning holistically for its successful implementation," the PM said.

She said her government will revolutionize the fishing industry. "And let me reiterate that today is just the beginning of a new dawn for the fishing industry of Trinidad and Tobago, as I assure you; Government is intent on restoring this industry to its great, economic, social and historic importance to our country," she added.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai