Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mac Farlane's "Humanity: The Circle of Life" wins Band of the Year at Carnival 2011

Brian Mac Farlane's 2011 presentation "Humanity: The Circle of Life" has won the George Bailey Band of the Year title. It's his fifth win in a row.

The results released by the National Carnival Bands Association (NCBA) and the National Carnival Commission (NCC) placed Trini Revellers second and Legacy third.

At a celebration at his mas camp Mac Farlane told reporters it's not only about winning but about projecting the artform.

"As an artist, I think we have that responsibility to make people think and be conscious of what's happening around them. 

"I keep saying socially, politically and environmentally and I think we definitely did that yesterday (Tuesday) yes it is lovely to win," he said.

"I wish there was more competition on the streets. But for all my masqueraders who had on those costumes from 6am to 10pm and not taking out a piece, I say congratulations to all of them for projecting the mas and being passionate about the culture."

Mac Farlane's band was the last to cross the big Savannah stage at around 9 p.m Tuesday night. 

He is not happy with the long wait and suggested that returning Carnival to the Savannah has not solved the congestion problem. 

"It has not worked," he said, adding that it is logistically impossible for all bands to cross the stage at the Savannah.

Mac Farlane also complained about the prize money.  "I don't want $2 million, that amount is ridiculous. But $300,000, $350,000 is insulting," he said.

The band leader said chutney has only been "on the scene" for eight to 10 years and has qualified for a $2 million prize while band leaders "worked and slaved" for a small amount of profit.

The top four Large Bands:

1. Mac Farlane Carnival - Humanity: Circle of Life - 1335 points
2. Trini Revellers - Tales of Merrie Olde England - 1278 points
3. Legacy - South Pacific - 1198 points
4. Showtime Trinidad - Colour of Green - 1058 points

The top four Medium Bands for 2011:
1. Ronnie and Caro - Survivors - 1190 points
2. Rosalind Gabriel and Village Productions - Village Life - 1177 points
3. Harvard Revellers Incorporated - De Latin Flavour - 1173 points
4. Trinidad All Stars Steelband - Fleet's Inn - 1167 points

The top four Small Bands for 2011:
1. Belmont Original Stylish Sailors - Beauty beneath the Sea - 1203 points
2. Tribal Connection - Gathering of the First People - 1193 points
3. Belmont Jewels - Greece the Legacy - 1036 points
4. Mt. Hope Connection - Sailing around the World - 1023 points

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai