Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Letter: Zhang's money?

I read with some amusement the demand of Mr. Michael Zhang of Shanghai Construction Group (SCG) that his company bepaid some $54 Million he claims is due to them.

According to the list of claims which was published in Sunday Newsday, SCG is claiming some $16 Million due as an "advance payment" on police stations which were apparently awarded to SCG by UDECOTT after Calder Hart fled the country, and just two weeks before the 2010 General Elections.

Read the story: Shanghai Construction demands $54 million for work done for state

Unless these police stations are under construction--and I certainly hope not, at least not by SCG-- the "advance money" cannot be owed, and must not be paid, given the ongoing police inquiries into the UDECOTT awads.

The other claims which SCG is making must be withheld until the police have completed the investigation which they claim is ongoing into all matters surrounding the construction of the $30 million "church" at the Heights of Guanapo.

We note that there is no claim by SCG for monies due on this "work-in-progress" which was suddenly abandoned by SCG, UDECOTT, all consultants, and Mr. Manning's seer woman who was the "alleged" client. The 'actual" client was UDECOTT, for that is what was written on all the drawings for this "so-called" church.

So why is SCG not claiming for any monies due on this?

Because, I contend, and investigations will confirm, that the incomplete "church" was paid for in full, in advance before any work started. And it was paid for as part of the "cost overruns" on Manning's Palace in St. Anns.

That means that the taxpayers of this country had paid for Mrs Pena's private church even though it was never finished, and SCG would have pocketed that money. So a valuation needs to be done, and the "difference" between the value of work assessed there, and the $30 million it cost, needs to be returned to T&T by SCG.

Indeed, a case should be made against SCG and UDECOTT for them abandoning the site to looters when T&T money was being used to build it.

When all of these issues are cleared up, and Mr. Zhang tells us who paid for the church, and how much, and produces documentation to show what was paid to SCG on this project, then he may ask for an accounting of any monies that we, the people of T&T may own his company.

Let us have the truth. I am sure that SCG have statements to give the police currently investigating the whole "church-in-Guanapo-diplomatic-centre" connection. 

And please ensure that Mr. Zhang does not leave the country, like Mr. Hart and Mrs. Pena did, until he has given the statements required.

Peter O'Connor

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai