Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Letter: The people are behind the PP on Sando health issue

I am extremely pleased that the PP Government and the Board of SWRHA have taken the initiative to suspend the doctors and nurses at the San Fernando General Hospital. 

When a patient enters the hospital, he/she expects to come out alive. There have been too many cases of malpractice without consequences in our health institutions nationwide. 

In the particular instance of the death of the young mother, the question has to be asked as to where were the Consultants who are paid to be there at the hospital to supervise Juniors.
Dr Chattergoon should also say to the public whether he is also away at the private nursing homes during the day. 

Maybe the SWRHA should conduct an audit of the signing in and out of the hospital by consultants or if those records cannot be had, force the private hospitals in San Fernando to say which Consultants work with them and during which hours. 

I recall seeing Dr Chattergoon at a private hospital on several occasions. Was he on his private time or public hospital time? Is this why he is defending the system as it is? 

Is this the same Dr Chattergoon who took the tubes off a patient in the ICU unit in San Fernando without the family's permission some years ago?

I find it distasteful that we can be defending unprofessionalism and malpractice.

The Government has a duty to protect the citizens. We voted for change, not only of the PNM but also of PNM culture. 

I note also the arrogance of Dr Chattergoon who makes himself out to be irreplaceable. Yet this is the same Dr Chattergoon who cancelled surgeries thus hampering the lives of hundreds of patients.

The people are on the side of the Government with this one. The government should not back off. It should allow a transparent investigation and where the chips fall, they fall.
Chandra Harnanan | St John's Road, Via san Fernando

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai