Monday, February 21, 2011

Hema Ramkissoon leaves CNMG morning show

Hema Ramkissoon had advised the CEO pf State-owned CNMG that she is leaving the television station's morning show, 'First Up'.

In a letter to Ken Ali, she noted that the arrangement with CNMG is interfering with her work at CONCACAF as Communications Director.

"As you are aware my current employer agreed to facilitate a request from his colleagues last year for my assistance. At no point did either CONCACAF or I indicate that these services would be on a permanent basis," she told Ali.

Ramkissoon noted that over the last two weeks "due to my schedule at CONCACAF it has become apparent that I can no longer commit to the show.

"Despite our hectic schedule in football, my current employer has requested that I offer your company one month service find a suitable replacement."

She told ali she has agreed to "sit in" until her co-host, who is on vacation, returns to the show. She said the President of CONCACAF "has acquiesced to in the interest of your show."

She told Ali it was "a pleasure" returning to CNMG, adding, "I am sure CNMG will realize its full potential under your astute guidance, the industry experience you bring to the table will only enhance this company's image."

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai