Tuesday, February 15, 2011


"The PM was rated as follows: Excellent-12 per cent, Good-31 per cent, Fair-38 per cent, Poor-14 per cent, Extremely Poor-5 per cent."

The above quote was taken from the Guardian lead story on the approval rating of the PM. 

This shows that she has received an overall approval rating of 81%, yet the headline reads "Kamla's rating falls." it is most unfortunate that this level of journalistic indifference to the truth is being practiced by a reputable paper whose tag line is "Guardian of Democracy."

Further as if to want to show that the PM is not performing the Guardian writes that her closest rival is Jack Warner and bases that position on one factor, handling of traffic. 

To quote the Guardian, "Her closest rival on performance is Works and Transport Minister Jack Warner, who received a good rating of 35 per cent for handling traffic congestion. "

The headline is a very unfair one to the Prime Minister and the PP Government. Further, what statistics on the PM's performance is the paper using to come to a conclusion that is reflected in the headline. This appears to be the first poll conducted by the Guardian of this nature about the PP government.

It is disturbing to contemplate that there may be sinister motives behind the selective interpretation of the poll results. What would have been the results if the Guardian had taken the trouble to place before the people the following things which the PP Government and the PM have been engaged in.

The work of the PP govt has begun to bear visible fruit. Over the past few weeks, the following events have been reported in the Press: 
  1. Sod turning for 700 houses in South Trinidad 
  2. Sod turning for 47 Km highway to Point Fortin 
  3. Announcement that Cabinet had approved $750 million for road repairs 
  4. Announcement that $520 million is to be spent to complete overpasses at Grand Bazaar 
  5. $59 million Highway By pass in St Helena being built 
  6. UWI South Campus to be built in Debe 
  7. $2 million first prizes for six competitions for Carnival 2011 
  8. $2 billion US dollar industrial complex for La Brea announced by Minister of Energy (Newsday February 9th 2011.) “As part of its continuing emphasis of investing in the downstream energy industry, Energy Minister Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan has revealed Government’s plan to invest in a US$2 billion dollar ammonia downstream derivative plant. She said the announcement for the ammonia plant and downstream derivative would be made shortly. The Minister was speaking at the commissioning ceremony of Air Liquide’s new $400 million Air Separation Unit (ASU) at Carribean Drive, Point Lisas.” 
  9. School in Balmain to be built by Minister Gopeesingh 
  10. Biche High School to be opened after ten years 
  11. The Minister of Agriculture has arranged for ponds for agriculture 
  12. 610 leases handed out to Caroni workers
  13. Ministry of the People has doubled many grants to alleviate poverty 
  14. Agricultural Development bank has cut lending rates to between 3 to 5 per cent down from eight percent 
  15. Ministry of Agriculture has revamped subsidies to include farmers who never benefitted before 
  16. $50 million US Dollar (TT$320 million dollars) loan from IDB to assist in neighbourhood upgrading. Poor people to benefit
  17.  MOWT has started to revamp operations at Licensing Office 
  18. Four New water taxis commissioned 
  19. Ten Motor Vehicle Access centers to be built as part of decentralization 
  20. Minister Karim has announced that his Ministry’s headquartes will be built in Central Trinidad 
  21. Caribbean Business Forum to be held in June in conjunction with the Commonwealth Business Council 
  22. Major crime legislation brought to Parliament including amandment to Capital Punishment
  23. URP has got going 
  24. CEPEP is on the move
The PM has been very humble to admit her missteps. There has been no trace of arrogance in her leadership style. She deserves much fairer treatment from the press.

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai