Saturday, January 22, 2011

Volney suffering from bronchospasms, will remain in hospital for 48-72 hours

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar said Friday Justice Minister Herbert Volney will remain in hospital for another 48 to 72 hours.

The St Joseph MP was admitted to hospital Thursday for what he said was "jsut the flu". He also said is has nothing to do with the cardiac bypass surgery he had last year.

In a media release Persad-Bissessar said Acting Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Dr. Mutchinson Melville has indicated that Volney is currently in a stable condition and is resting comfortably at the Mount Hope Medical Complex. 

"He has been examined by a Thorasic Specialist and a team of cardiolgists who have recommended that he remian under hospital supervision for between 48 and 72 hours," the release said.

It added that Volney is being treated for bronchospasms and further tests will be conducted during the remiander of his time in hospital.

The Prime Minister extended her best wishes to Volney and his family and asked the nation to pray for the minister during "this time of illness, in order that he be granted a speedy recovery."

Volney was in Parliament Wednesday night for the debate on the on the remand amendment bill and is expected in court next week to try to get a magistrate to shut down the annual WASA fete, which he says is too noisy for staff and patients at the Mt Hope hospital and for residents of the area.

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