Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fireworks to celebrate PM Kamla's 1st anniversary as leader

Fireworks lit up the night sky outside Reinzi Complex Monday night to the strains of A.R. Rehman's Oscar winning "JAI HO" moments after Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar concluded a speech in which she praised UNC founder Basdeo Panday, lambasted the PNM for its "rape" of the treasury, outlined her People's Partnership government's achievements and pledged to always focus on serving the people.

More than 10,000 gathered for the event that included live entertainment and speeches from the party's three deputy leaders. Non-UNC members of the governing coalition brought greetings, with all of them proclaiming that the partnership is strong, alive and well.

COP's Prakash Ramadhar was emphatic that the coalition will remain strong and united "now and forever".

In her speech Persad-Bissessar reminded her audience of the tireless work of UNC Chairman Jack Warner whose Movement for Change, she said, set the stage for her election as leader exactly one year ago.

She began with humility. "Today is your day," she declared. "It is not Kamla's day, not COP, TOP or NJAC day. I am a servant of the people."

The UNC political leader traced the events that led to the landslide victory for the People's Partnership on May 24, 2010 and said the victory was a people's victory because the coalition produced a road map for the future based on consultation with the people.

In order to put the government's achievements in perspective, Persad-Bissessar spoke about the PNM's mismanagement, squandermania and disdain for the people.

"You tossed out the PNM because they behaved like they owned you, the country and its resources … when the leader spoke, not a dog bark," she said, noting that it is different in the partnership.

"We are a democratic government … our whole existence is based on the principles of a liberal democracy that allow free discussion and debate. That is how we resolve matters in a democracy – through debate and discussion," she said.

"That is why they cannot understand that we can discuss and agree to disagree so we could arrive at the best solution to the problems that confront us in order to solve the problems faced by you.

"That is why they cannot understand that when people express different views, it doesn’t mean that their commitment and respect for each other is gone.

"They cannot understand that we can disagree but remain committed to the vision and goals that brought us together in the first place," she said.

Persad-Bissessar declared the partnership to be more united than ever and said the free and open discussions have helped to keep the coalition together.

She said the partnership is people centred and dedicated to getting the work done. "We in the People’s partnership believe that true patriots are the people who do what has to be done … when it needs to be done," she declared.

"Many battles are won when leaders know how to listen and when to talk," she declared.

"We are strong because we believe in freedom, equality and justice…We are strong because we listen...We are strong because we can hold free discussions without fear...We are strong because we have only one agenda … to serve the people, serve the people, serve the people. And in 2011 we have promised to deliver, deliver, deliver!"

Persad-Bissessar spoke about the various projects that her government has undertaken and delivered in just eight months including the increase of the minimum wage, higher pensions, laptops for schools and the children's life fund.

She noted that the economy is on the mend and spoke of the start of the $5 billion highway to Point Fortin which she will launch Tuesday. It's something that the PNM only promised, she said, but was unable to deliver. She said that project and the Navet Trunk Main will together provide jobs for 27,000.

"In the eight months that we have been in office we have made every effort to keep our promises to you despite inheriting a near bankrupt treasury.

"There is an upbeat mood in our country today. The economy is starting to move again after years of obscene squandering of the nation’s resources on grandiose projects that brought no returns for the people.

"We have earned the respect and expressed admiration of the international financial community through our responsible, prudent fiscal policies," she said.

Persad-Bissessar said the the act of changing the leadership of the UNC was one of the most patriotic things that party members have ever done and called on all of them never to become complacent.

"Through our collective efforts we have rekindled and fanned that fire of hope. We are standing in the light of a new era that offers opportunity for all. We have always put people first … because you the people represent the future.

"We have done well so far … but we must do better," she said. "You must be our eyes and ears and you must continue to tell us when we make a misstep. We work for you. We serve you."

She renewed her pledge that the government she leaders will always people centred.

"My friends, my fellow citizens of every political stripe, my sisters and brothers, whatever happens I want to assure you tonight that I shall never lose my social conscience. We will never become complacent … and we will never stop listening," she said.

And she pledged that she and her government will never be satisfied until it has ended povery and hunger.

She added, "We will never be satisfied until criminals are in jails and our country is safe once more…We will never be satisfied until every family has a place to call home… until we can feed ourselves and end our dependence on imported food.

"We will never be satisfied until every child has a secure place in school … We will never be satisfied until everyone who wants a job has one We will never be satisfied until our economy is strong and buoyant again and we will never be satisfied until we can provide the best possible health care to everyone.

"My sisters and brothers, it is indeed a tall order. But together we will do it," she promised.

"Every member of our party whom you elected to serve shares that commitment. We work long days and sleepless nights as we strive to find answers to the problems that you face.

"We are a diverse group – as diverse as the nation we serve. And we must at all times work hard to celebrate that which brings us together rather than look at what is different among us," she told her audience

"We are living proof of all that is possible. We defied the odds. And we are going to achieve the goals we set ourselves. Trinidad and Tobago is already on the path to a major transformation.

"I invite you all to become part of it, whether you be PNM, COP, TOP, MSJ, NJAC, or as so many of you here tonight UNC. There is room for all of us at the table and we will share equally among us.

"So even as we are gathered here as a political party, the United National Congress to honour your support, let us have a broader national perspective as we hold out our hand in friendship, brotherhood and sisterhood to each other in the task of rebuilding our great nation in the interest of every single citizen."

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
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