Saturday, January 29, 2011

Chancery Lane Complex to be part of Sando hospital; Oncology Centre coming soon

The Government of Trinidad and Tobago is shifting gears with respect to the the Chancery Lane Administrative Complex in San Fernando, which began during the Manning People's National Movement (PNM) administration. The incomplete project is next to the San Fernando General Hospital.

On Friday, Health Minister Therese Baptiste-Cornelis announced that the complex will become a part of the hospital. She was speaking during a ceremony to mark the launch of refurbishment works of the UWI's teaching facilities and student and student accommodation, at the hospital.

"The Ministry has also been meeting with several stakeholders to determine the feasibility of building a ramp that will connect the San Fernando General Hospital to the Chancery Complex, thus using the complex as a decanting area," the minister said.

The complex was started by UDeCOTT six years ago and has already cost $440 million, almost twice of the original budgeted cost of $296 million. UDeCOTT said last December that the project is 85 per cent complete. Contractors have abandoned the site.

The Minister also announced that government soon built the long promised National Oncology Centre. She said, "The Ministry of Health has received the green light from Cabinet for the construction and commissioning of the National Oncology Centre at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex."

She added, "We will also receive technical assistance and an appropriate construction delivery model, as well as project management services for the Oncology Centre from the Ministry of Works and Transport."

The Manning administration turned the sod in 2007 to begin construction of the Oncology Centre but the site site remains abandoned despite the spending of millions of dollars. She said tenders went out this week for the construction. 

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai