Monday, January 24, 2011

Anybody can own a Maxi taxi from Feb. 1: Warner

Trasnsport Minister Jack Warner with PTSC Chairman Devant Maharaj
Jack Warner told Route 2 Maxi taxi Operators on Sunday anyone will be able to own a maxi taxi from February 1, noting that it is time to break the monopoly that a "small restricted" group enjoyed over the years.

The Works and Transport Minister made the disclosure when he met with members of the association at his ministry's head office in Port-of-Spain.

The meeting was called to discuss improvements of the maxi taxi facility at City Gate in Port of Spain.

Warner said his ministry's legal department held meetings with Transport Commissioner Ruben Cato and made the decision to remove the restrictions on who can own a maxi. Public notices informing the public of the decision will be published in the daily press staring Monday, he said.

The minister added that "market forces will determine the sale of maxi taxis" and added that the move will ease transportation problems, especially in rural areas and places where there is an inadequate maxi service.

Anyone who wishes to own a maxi taxi would first have to apply to the Transport Division for a maxi taxi permit. Once it is issued the person can buy the vehicle and take it to the Licensing Division to have it registered.

Warner also announced that private school buses will soon have a special licence plate and those servicing 22 schools close to the Bus Route, will get Bus Route passes.

The issue of "PH" taxis was also on the agenda and Warner stated that they will be legal in 30 days. “My friends, the ‘PH’ taxi drivers shall be regularised and that shall become law in 30 days.” Warner said.

He added that people wishing to operate as ‘PH’ drivers will be issued special permits and must have a certificate of good character. The insurance for the vehicles would be similar to what is now available for regular taxis, he said.

“At the end of the day what we are looking at is public safety and we do not want any particular or specific conditions that may obtain for ‘PH’ that may put passengers at risk in terms of accidents,” He said, "What the ministry proposes or what the ministry would like for the ‘PH’ taxis, in terms of the insurance policies, would be pretty much what obtains for hired vehicles.”

PTSC Chairman Devant Maharaj also announced that the transit corporation is propsing a fee of $200 a month to help upkeep the City Gate facilities.

Maharaj said the PTSC pays $2.3 million annually to maintain the facility, which includes the maxi taxi and bus terminals with $192,416 allocated to the maxi taxi hub. He explained that the new fee would pay for security, cleaning and utilities.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai