Friday, December 31, 2010

Tributes to Sir Ellis

Attorney General, Anand Ramlogan:

"He was the grandfather and architect of our Constitution and political independence. He was the quintessential and model statesman and brought much dignity, grace and erudition to the office of president.

"His death marks the end of an era and creates a void that will be difficult to fill... he served the people with humility and class. Our nation owes Sir Ellis a debt of gratitude for the role he played in stabilising the ship of T&T during many a rough time... my condolences to the family."

Former PM Patrick Manning:

"He distinguished himself not just academically but in the field of government. He gave a lot of service to Trinidad and Tobago.

"He was a man who could have done very well in the private sector could have made a lot of money for himself...he was never driven by consideration of money or material gain but was very dedicated to the lives of the people of Trinidad and Tobago.

"He served selflessly. He emerged as the foremost authority in this country on the constitution. He was associated with the constitution of 1962 and 1976 and indeed was working with us on a constitution designed to introduce a presidential system. Sir Ellis was really an expert on matter of a constitutional nature."

Former PM Basdeo Panday:

"I have known Sir Ellis all my political life...he was a special species. Even until his last day there is one thing about him that I admired. It's his capacity to enjoy himself.

"Like him I believe we are put on this earth to be happy, not to be sad. And Sir Ellis exemplified that more than any other human being I have known."

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Jai & Sero

Jai & Sero

Our family at home in Toronto 2008

Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai