Friday, December 3, 2010

PSC chairman facing traffic violation charge; two officers asked to provide a report on incident

A report in the Trinidad Express Friday states that two police officers have been asked for a report on an incident involving them and the head of the Police Service Commission (PSC), Nizam Mohammed.

The matter involved an incident in Port of Spain where the two officers - Marlene Gittens and Sean Batson - expressed concern that they could be in big trouble or be fired for doing their job.

According to the report, the officers were on traffic duty at the corner of Henry Street and Independence Square in Port of Spain, directing three lanes of traffic.  

Mohammed, who was driving in the middle lane, identified himself as the PSC chairman. He said he wanted to make a turn up Henry Street to get to the office and told the officers of his intention.

However the officers advised him to proceed east and not make the turn. The report says he turned anyway, disobeying the police instructions. The officers then pursued his vehicle on foot and when the SUV got stuck in traffic they spoke with Mohammed and requested his driving documents, which he produced.

The report quotes officer Gittens as saying that Mohammed made a call and told her that the Commissioner was on the phone and he wished to speak with her. She declined taking the call, saying that she was on duty and could not speak on the telephone.

The officers recommended that Mohammed be charged with failing to comply with a lawful instruction and causing an unnecessary obstruction.

The report says even before they returned to their posts at the Central Police Station on St Vincent Street Deputy Commissioner Ewatski requested a report on the incident. That report is pending.

The Express said it contacted Commissioner of Police Dwayne Gibbs who admitted knowing about the incident. However he had not yet received a report and could not comment further on the matter.

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Jai & Sero

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Our family at home in Toronto 2008
Amit, Heather, Fuzz, Aj, Jiv, Shiva, Rampa, Sero, Jai